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  1. sawsman

    Questions about Lights

  2. sawsman

    Filter or not?

  3. sawsman

    Little critters.

    A cleanup crew is definately beneficial in a RT but is not absolutely needed. It's totally up to the aquariast. I personally would not keep a tank without one. A cleanup crew also adds variety and character to any tank. -sawsman
  4. sawsman

    Filter or not?

    I would use the pads. The more mechanical filtration the better. You will have to change them often though so that filtered "gunk" will not decompose and degrade your water quality. The filter pads will also keep larger debris from clogging the spray holes on your spray bar. -sawsman
  5. sawsman

    Looking for a goby

    a Diamond goby.
  6. sawsman

    Do You ever think you are playing GOD

    We created the environment...... remember.... we've created these environments out of things that were already made. God created everything out of nothing! -sawsman
  7. sawsman

    UV Sterilizer

    great. I agree with all of you. A few things to consider if planning to use a UV are: 1. flowrate / retention time. 2. keeping the chamber/sleeve clean. 3. bulb life. -sawsman
  8. sawsman

    Mh Questions

    Good deal! I think you will like it.
  9. sawsman

    UV Sterilizer

    I know that UV light will kill good and bad bacteria. I would like to hear from anyone who has had a bad experience with running a UV. The more I think about it I cant remember anyone saying that their tank was worse off after adding a UV. I think the pros outweigh the cons. In a perfect world a...
  10. sawsman

    Mh Questions

    If you are going to keep this pendant 12" above the water surface then I dont think that your temp will raise more than 1-2 degrees. If it does then I would install a small fan to help. As far as your evaporation I would not expect it to be more than 1/2 gal more than you have now. The only real...
  11. sawsman

    Mh Questions

    I might add it evaporates exactly 1/2 gallon a day.
  12. sawsman

    Mh Questions

    I have the exact same lighting unit and it is also over a 55. mine is 7" above the water and is open topped. my temp tops out at 80-81 f during the day and a low of 77 during the night. lighting duration of MH's is 9.5 hrs a day. works great. -sawsman
  13. sawsman

    ungraded lighting how long should I waite to add an anemone

    Great! my temp does the exact same swing. I run 2-150w HQI's (12.5k) for 9.5hrs/day and introduced my RBTA when tank was about six months old. It acclimated very well and almost doubled in size over a few weeks. I did not decrease lighting time or anything. I probably would put him in after the...
  14. sawsman

    Creature Found In Prefilter Skimmer Box..ugh, What Is It???

    tweezeers, gloves, or fork?
  15. sawsman

    Creature Found In Prefilter Skimmer Box..ugh, What Is It???

    gently scrape it off with a razorblade and then be ready to suck it up with a turkey baster. flush it!
  16. sawsman

    my snail is hosting a feather duster

    It would be even cooler if it were growing on your fish! :scared: cool featherduster!
  17. sawsman

    Creature Found In Prefilter Skimmer Box..ugh, What Is It???

    Looks like an aptaisia anenome.
  18. sawsman

    New tank running great, BUT...

    most tap water is ok. but Cl residual is not and will kill fish.Tapwater has to be dechlorinated prior to using. It really does pay to use RO water this way other pollutants like nitrate, metals etc will not be a problem. your fish will thank you for it! please dont skimp on water quality.