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  1. sawsman

    Clarki Making a Popping Noise

    My Clarki does this also. maybe a warning? Oh yea he/she bites too!
  2. sawsman

    Feeding Anemones

    Check out the CLOWNFISH & ANEMONES forum. Lots of good info about feeding!
  3. sawsman

    Mushroom Help

    the natural way= certain fish like a yellow mandarin or wrasse. a blue velvet nudi. a product called FLATWORM EXIT. do a search.
  4. sawsman

    Mushroom Help

    they can become an eyesore if they get out of hand and can block light to corals, so I would say definately not good. I have them in my tank but keep them in check with a sixline wrasse.
  5. sawsman

    Mushroom Help

    red flat worms.
  6. sawsman

    Is this Normal??

    also the moonlights are mostly for looks. I like them.
  7. sawsman

    Is this Normal??

    If you can afford that lighting go for it! you'll be glad you did. 10K will be whiter (brighter to the eye), 20K will look bluer. I prefer the 10K myself. -sawsman
  8. sawsman

    Please answer this question

    Originally Posted by cds0722 I'm 13 years old and I have a 55 gallon fish only tank. I am hoping to get enough money for christmas to switch it over to a FOWLR tank. How much live rock do you think I should put in there? Also, what fish do you think would be alright to put in there{I'm thinking...
  9. sawsman

    Leaving Lights On 24/7???

    Expensive power bill...... Why would you want to?
  10. sawsman

    Weiss Products, yes, no ?

    Some will say his products will foul your water. In my opinion any product if added too much will foul your water. I personally use Marc Weiss' REEF DNA VITALS and have seen no ill effects in my tank. I have if anything noticed increased color to the coraline algae and have noticed an overall...
  11. sawsman


    Do you have lots of LR for them pods?
  12. sawsman


    Originally Posted by ricks280 3boys, sorry to hear about your goby, but some times fish can go for 2 weeks without food, i would say that it was not the couse of death ,please check yor water parameters , tank mates etc. rick. Yes I agree. What other fish do you have? He could have been stressed.
  13. sawsman

    Bang Guy, or other chemistry people

    How often do you do water changes? Do a 25% water change. mix replacement water to a specific gravity of 1.025-1.026. Your replacement water is testing fine for alk & calc. Test 24hrs after making water change and see what readings you get. You might want to then try the B-ionic two part buffer...
  14. sawsman

    fish bite!

    This clown rules the tank! She is the oldest inhabitant of my tank and so she thinks she's the queen, I'll just let her believe that but if she bites me again she'll be part of my tackle when I go salmon fishing in Alaska this coming spring! HA HA that'll teach her. -sawsman
  15. sawsman

    Royal gramma

    My Royal Gramma did the same thing at first but eventually got brave, came out and has now established his territory. very cool fish! brightly colored and very unique. -sawsman
  16. sawsman

    purple pseudo and six line wrasse

    Pseudo's are a little agressive towards other fish like grammas (same general shape) and certain gobies, but yes should be ok with a sixline.
  17. sawsman

    Bang Guy, or other chemistry people

    Just a thought... but have you thought of another test kit just to make sure of your levels? you could then compare readings. Its not like you would be out anything as you can always need test kits anyway. How about testing your replacement water before making water changes? Are your levels...
  18. sawsman

    Is this Normal??

    Good for now....but for how long? It may look this way for awhile but it will die a slow death unless lighting and water quality is improved.
  19. sawsman

    Is this Normal??

    No problem Jzuse- I am certainly not an expert and have learned by trial and error, some costly mistakes I might add. we're all here to learn. Get the best lighting you can afford and always research any specimens before buying. dont always believe what a LFS might tell you- get a second...
  20. sawsman

    Is this Normal??

    It probably kept moving in search of a brighter area. New bulbs wont help you need more intensity, more total watts per gal and I dont think you would need a chiller with the upgraded system. It appears that their just after your money. They should not have told you this anemone would be ok...