Originally Posted by Speg
At 300 wpg you may be able to start a fish fry.
or use your aquarium as a hot tub! Ha Ha !
hey good luck with that Xenia and Merry Christmas!
No. a small fan blowing across the water surface can help but I think you will be just fine. I would be more concerned with temperature fluccuation from lights off to midday.
I have always liked Xenia but have been leary of buying any because they can spread so rapidly. but heck you can always thin it back and trade it in! it should do ok under your setup.
1. How old is your tank?.
2. monitor tank temperature to check temp swing. you will not want a big variance over a 24hr period.
3. is your tank layered? having different shelf height so that the anemone can move slightly upward or downward. you can rest assured it will move to where it wants to...
I have always liked the performance of my Astrea snails and have never had to flip one from being on their back. My Turbos on the other hand are constantly on their shell..... kind of a pain.
If it were me I would put a spray bar on the return and set it at 3/4-1" below the surface. I would position the spray holes slightly downward then position the power head to break up the spray bar flow. you'd have to fine tune this positioning to create the desired wave effect. just a thought...
I changed my 150 watt 10,000k HQI MH's tonight. I have switched to the 12,500k bulbs. has anyone made this same change? and if so has there been any noticable change in growth or color to inhabitants? which do you like better 10k or 12.5k.