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  1. aceiswild7


    a nudibranch is a sea slug which come in many different colors and are great for any size reef with enough algae and no a 45 is way to small for a moorish idol
  2. aceiswild7

    Have I gone over the edge ?????

    i think becoming an aquarium junky is worse then most drugs which are illegal this is a whole lot more addictive then ciggeretes and more expensive then any other drug out there i really think i need counselling and im sure a lot of others on this post need to seek help also good luck
  3. aceiswild7

    advice for my setup?

    the tank has been set up for about 5 months running smoothly the whole time. all of the clown gobies are about 1-2 inches and dont fight there actually really cute they all bite my fingers when i feed flakes. and that was my next question when i get the 250 watt halides should i get 10k or 20k...
  4. aceiswild7

    refugium lighting

    i want to set one up and finally figured out how i can do so but im not sure what kind of lighting i need for the refugium? and should the lights be on 24/7? thanx and my refugium is going to be a 29 eclipse tank
  5. aceiswild7

    mandarin gobies

    they really arent gobies but dragonets and they are great for reefs but only if there is an abundance of live rock 100+ lbs with good growth of copepods on them which is what they eat good luck
  6. aceiswild7

    advice for my setup?

    the angels are flame angel nox angel coral beauty swallowtail angel juvi emperata they all get along and have been together for about 2 months
  7. aceiswild7

    advice for my setup?

    one of the clown gobies is on the left in that pic they are tiny gobys good for reefs i have 2 double strip lights on it know with actinics which ill just put on before and after the halides and i know the UV is detrimental to the reef but benificial for the fish does the bad outweigh the good...
  8. aceiswild7


    something like a broomtail wrasse or stonefish would fit nicely with them and even though its a personal preference i cant advise you enough not to get a panther grouper they get huge and are really not even nice looking fish there are so many nicer groupers you could get good luck
  9. aceiswild7


    something like a broomtail wrasse or stonefish would fit nicely with them and even though its a personal preference i cant advise you enough not to get a panther grouper they get huge and are really not even nice looking fish there are so many nicer groupers you could get good luck
  10. aceiswild7

    advice for my setup?

    here is my setup there are a few ways ive heard to make it better but before i get rid of anything i want to hear from everyone 125 gal 75 lbs live rock 75 lbs base rock 3 mushroom rocks 2 carpet anemones 3 rock anemones 2 pink tip anemones 2 goniopora 3" deep live sand bed Berlin XL skimmer UV...
  11. aceiswild7


    enjoy im not sure how healthy the blue carpet is but the rest of the tank is doing great feel free to browse my site below and maybe later ill post some pics of my shrooms which are in my album enjoy
  12. aceiswild7

    YA Digicams workin

    im so happy finally ill be able to post some pics later tonight oh and my green carpet anemone is looking amazing the blue is pulling along but might be going downhill but anyway just thought id let you all know
  13. aceiswild7

    Adding another anemone?? Can I mix different types??

    i have 2 carpet 2 pink tips and 3 rock anemones all close to each other in the tank and some even touch even though there is room to be a world apart and ive never had any problems but just to be on the safe side you might want to send that sabae over here to me and ill make sure its alright for...
  14. aceiswild7

    new carpet anemones

    thanx i should have the halides in a week or two and ill snap some pics soon oh and by the way i only paid 75 for the two of them :) :D and ill get a clownfish or two soon for them to host thanx for the info
  15. aceiswild7


    mine lasted for about 4 months then escaped it was a great pet while it lasted though good luck
  16. aceiswild7

    new carpet anemones

    woohoo i got a green and blue one today i have pink tip and rock anemones doing great in the tank and im going to get some halides in a little while but any tips on how to care for them? i have a few books im going to check through now but experience is always key thanx
  17. aceiswild7

    is 220 okay for full grown clown trigger?

    im sure he will be very happy in a 220 but odds are in captive he wont grow to be 20" but in a 220 he will get around 15" good luck
  18. aceiswild7

    Red Berlin Protein Skimmer

    fish head if its not to late i had the same problem and i found a great way to fix it cheap i just got an air pump the more powerfull the better and ran airline from it to the intake for air on the skimmer instead of just letting it suck in air good luck
  19. aceiswild7

    green hair alg

    ive asked this a few times but havnt actually gotten a clear response i have green hair algae that was present on a few rocks when i bought them i thought the tangs would enjoy nipping at it.. my question is whether or not the algae actually Causes any problems? i know its the result of high...
  20. aceiswild7

    good or bad??

    i got a piece of live rock which had an abundance of hair algae growing on it i know that they thrive in poor conditions but it isnt growing in my tank im just curious if just having it there is detrimental to my water quaility i originally got it for tangs and angels to pick at which they do...