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  1. aceiswild7

    clown and host Q

    the percula has been using my plate coral as a host
  2. aceiswild7

    clown and host Q

    2 perculas and a muroon
  3. aceiswild7

    NEW TANK.....

    heres an idea get a white garbage pale, a power head and some actinic strips to go over it. fill it with water turnon the pump and put in some salt once you can afford it getyour live rock andlet it sit in that pale with the light and powerhead it will be alright in there until you get your...
  4. aceiswild7

    clown and host Q

    how long did i take for all of you who have your clowns in anemones for them to accept each other? i put in 2 clowns anda murroon clown the other day with 2carpets and one sabae anemone and none have gone near them
  5. aceiswild7

    NEED HELP!!! Taking care of anemones

    im not sure about the crabs but carpet anemones need very strong lighting and good water movement and i feed mine silversides a few times a week
  6. aceiswild7

    anenome question

    im not sure what your problemcould be you might just be unlucky ive had 3 of my rock anemones for about half a year now and the rest of my anemones seem great just try to make sure they are eating before you get them the ones that eatsilversides are easier to keep alive as they dont have to...
  7. aceiswild7

    anenome question

    just get silversides from your lfs. any chance you have a butterfly fish in your tank? is their a lot of water movement?
  8. aceiswild7

    Help ID a Black Angel.

    i have a nox angel with anemones and corals and mushrooms and he picks at the anemones one of the carpet anemones now and then but mostly just picks at the rocks
  9. aceiswild7


    sorry i just woke up . i mean if one pumps a little faster then the other then it will not work
  10. aceiswild7


    it wont work you will have to have one method as an overflow i had the same idea but i realized that if there i even the slightest difference in the amount of water something will overflow good luck
  11. aceiswild7

    pendant MH

    i got my two 175 watt halides and hooked them up and they are great but the pendants have glass coverson the bottem which i noticed my pet store has te same light and doesnt use. they just leave the bottom open. any reason i should keep it on? how much light does it actually absorb?
  12. aceiswild7

    where can I get pics to identify fish ?

    i third marine fish its an excellent book i just want to know when the second and third ones are coming out? anyone know? thanx
  13. aceiswild7

    mushroom placement

    i have had only normal 40watt bulbs on my tank so i have kept my shrooms in the open but im getting 2 175 watt halides tommorow an ive read they like indirect light so how should i place them in the tank? anyone who has had success with them multiplying please reply realy want themto thrive thanx
  14. aceiswild7


    has anyone had this happen to them? i had my rocks set up nice with the mushrooms and corals sitting nicely in there spots but i noticed a few days back two rocks on the floor of the tank whic i dismissed but todayit got bad and rocks fell and i just barelywas able to fix it. how do you all...
  15. aceiswild7

    mandarin gobies

    it should only take a few months maybe6 but if you want one fast hook up a refugium and the growth of pods in your tank will be jump started and it will help to suppement whatever he eats good luck
  16. aceiswild7

    Looking For a Quieter Skimmer...

    berlin isnt 2 loud i have the XL
  17. aceiswild7

    hypothetically ich

    i have a question which is slightly more hypethetical then his because all of my fish are healthy and im not moving anything but something like a polypad wouldnt remove copper from the system? i mean ive never used copper but id imagine there is some way to get it out of the water
  18. aceiswild7

    Macro algae

    if ya still got it ill happily pay shipping
  19. aceiswild7

    help with setting up a new aquarium

    as far as adding the live rock if you have a dsb get rid of the bio balls as i just learned and did and as far as a skimmer the Berlin XL is working great for me with a mag500 pump i just hooked up an air pump to the air intake and it is now taking in a lot more air so it works better. as far as...
  20. aceiswild7

    advice for my setup?

    thanx burn i did that today i unhooked the canister which had bio balls in it and took out the uv i also added another grate for a filter pad there are still a few bio balls in the wet dry though about half i need to figure how to elevate the grate before i take them out and there are bio balls...