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  1. aceiswild7

    clicking noise from trigger

    lots of triggers make that noise dont be worried im not sure what it is though i think its their jaws
  2. aceiswild7

    Black Algae ???????????

    is it slimey? growing in a patch .. its probly slime algae which is bad you mite want to check your levels and phosphates also..
  3. aceiswild7

    Spend my $$

    lots of anemones get carpets and long tentacles and sabaes then some more clowns and see if they breed.... nothing looks better then nice anemones not even corals in my opinion
  4. aceiswild7

    Dragon Wrasse/Tusk Wrasse - Same species?

    no a dragon wrasse is a brown fish with horns when young.. a tusk or harlequin tusk is orange and white with imposing looking teeth
  5. aceiswild7

    What can I do w/a basic 33 gal

    add more sand and get as much rock as u can also a skimmer if possible
  6. aceiswild7

    Clown Fish!

    i have a two-banded clown who loves my long tentacle anemones he moves back and forth from the green and white one but the muroon uses the green sometimes they share it looks nice though.. nothing uses my sabae or carpets though
  7. aceiswild7

    55gal reef or 90 gal

    chris get as large of a tank as you can fit and afford you will be happy you did later good luck
  8. aceiswild7

    55gal reef or 90 gal

    well there are easy ways to fix the rock problem if you choose to stay with the 55 but sooner or later you will be mad thatyou didnt upgrade to a larger tank everyone does it.. if you choose to keep it though get the largest pieces for the bottom and put them as close to the front as is nice for...
  9. aceiswild7

    Help!, Switching Tanks

    make sure you buy more sand so that it stays deep enough and of course more live rock and any water added should be RO good luck
  10. aceiswild7

    Eel setup questions

    you wont need to much light get a 10k for daylight and a plant bulb or actinic for night.. also your plan might backfire and scare of the hot girls also
  11. aceiswild7

    Who wants to see more PICS here?!

    my pic site pages 10 - 13 are pics of fish feel free to browse the previous pages which are snakes also some octo pics in there somewhere .. any feed back appreciated
  12. aceiswild7

    macro algea

    cant you stop algae from going sexual by keeping the lights on 24/7? i was under the immpression that you could
  13. aceiswild7

    What is the Scientific name of the "lollypop" tang?

    im not sure but they are powder brown tangs for reference
  14. aceiswild7

    Should I take a job at a Pet Store to learn?

    while i couldnt imagine doing this without the aid of all the books i have i also think that experience is priceless
  15. aceiswild7


    as far as mechanical filtration you can but i dont think you can ever have to much protien skimming .. if you want to spend money on excessive filtration get an additional skimmer or 2
  16. aceiswild7

    the fish i want

    ive heard of carpet anemones eating puffers who get to close because they swim to slow.. if you want an easier safer host anemone id get a long tentacle good luck with eiter of those angels your tank willwork fine
  17. aceiswild7

    pic of tank, too much live rock?

    you can never have to much live rock .. just my opinion but the rock isnt wasteful and is overly benificial
  18. aceiswild7

    bulbs for refugium

    ijust ordered a 20000 k bulb for the tank because it said it was good for growing macroalgae.. how about this what three bulbs or types of bulbs do you all use for your refugium
  19. aceiswild7

    bulbs for refugium

    arent those plant grow lights for fresh plants? i wasnt aware they would work for salt algae and i know blue lights is what corals and anemones use for photosynthesis i assumed the same was true of algae
  20. aceiswild7

    What kind of clown for carpet anemone?

    i had a perc that used my goniopora for a while then he dissapeared i think he may have tried the carpet and it was to sticky.. is this possible the carpet is extremely sticky and i think it may have eaten him