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  1. aceiswild7

    What fish?

    i keep dwarf angels and a juvi emperor angel in my reef without any problems. i have a coral beauty. flame angel. nox angel. and swallowtail
  2. aceiswild7

    Black Perculas? W/PICS

    i recently picked up a few of these beautys they seem to be doing fairly well and have taken to some of my carpet anemones as hosts.. anyone have experience with them? are they any different from normal percs? thanx if anyone is interested in pics just say so and ill snap a few
  3. aceiswild7

    Why CC and not LS detritus trap?

    surface debris can be takin care of by gobys or water movement or most critters.. when you have cc anything that drifts to the bottom gets trapped and decays and pollutes the tank
  4. aceiswild7

    55g small aggressives

    ive heard that butterflies will eat anemones or at the least pick at them.. you should watch out for it
  5. aceiswild7

    rotting animals

    thats the whole idea of most inverts that they will take care of whatever is wasting away and you dont have to worry about it.. good luck
  6. aceiswild7

    shark for a 90 gal.

    im surprised no one said this.. you could get a bamboo cat shark ..even buy an egg hatch it yourself and raise one.. while eventually it will outgrow the setup it will take a long time good luck
  7. aceiswild7


    most of the stuff on live rock whenyou recieve it is going to die ..that is justfrom wat its been through if the water conditions are good then it will regrow from seeds in the live rock good luck
  8. aceiswild7

    I want to know what you all think about

    iron,strontum & malybdenum, trace elements. kalkwasser, iodine. phytoplex coral vital and soon coral accell.. and still i have no corraline growth .. i just started a refugium so hopefully that will help
  9. aceiswild7

    Brine Shrimp Shortage in SF Bay Area?

    try bloodworms there is much less waste to pollute the water and it is usually an acceptable subsitute
  10. aceiswild7

    Caulerpa in main Tank - Good or bad?

    thanx also do tangs and angels eat the grape type? or only certain types iwould like to be able to feed them anything i trim
  11. aceiswild7

    Caulerpa in main Tank - Good or bad?

    i have grape caulerpa along with some other varieties in my refugium.. it is growing rapidly .. is that bad? i asumed the larger it got the more it would do its job? thanx
  12. aceiswild7

    5 part identification quiz....and some specific questions.

    the smal things in pic 2 are button polyps they will multiply and are a good sign.. pic three is a featherduster also good im sure there are plenty more on the rocks if you look hard enough and in pic one that is some kind of benificial macro algae not sure what its called though good luck
  13. aceiswild7

    cleaning outside of glass...

    ditto i use a spray bottle with water in it and just wipe it off.. this works for me because im always working on it and getting it dirty
  14. aceiswild7

    100 lbs dead live rock

    if you cycle before you add the live rock you are fine because the live rock is already cured so it wont cause any spike
  15. aceiswild7

    HELP! CARPET Stichodactyla haddoni

    im surprised nobody said this but you should move it to a spot where it is in high water flow it will help acclimate and keep it healthy
  16. aceiswild7

    Orange and gold clown

    if its gold then id imagine its a gold striped one.. and as far asbeing orange the males are more vividly colored then their counterparts
  17. aceiswild7

    Grouper in Reef?

    they produce a lot of waste which is the main problem but if your filtration is good enough im sure you could get away with one .. they wont actually bother corals or anemones
  18. aceiswild7

    shrooms in refug?

    can mushrooms take 24 hour lighting? i want to put some ricordia in my refug .. the lighting is not intense but it is always on.. anyone else keep shrooms in their refug? thanx
  19. aceiswild7

    24-hour lighting for reef?

    im curious about that also my refug does great with it i was curious about leaving an actinic bulb on when the MH's are off kindof like moonlight and to promote growth
  20. aceiswild7

    Black Algae ???????????

    you should fix the problem with the water get something to remove the phosphates like a protien skimmer dont worry about things eating it get rid of the source but a cleanup crew wouldnt hurt you can order a nice one from this site