Search results

  1. aceiswild7

    Alantic Carpet Anemone

    you have to say which species of carpet it is. haddoni mertinsi gigantea if you post a pic i may be able to identify it
  2. aceiswild7

    Good resident list?

    the fish seem fine. just make sure the powder blue is the last added as they get very terretorial <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" /> <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> all of my new fish go through the initiation of getting beat up by...
  3. aceiswild7

    Coral dieing please help ASAP

    i got a hammer coral the other day and it looked very healthy but then i noticed part of it had died and then some more this morning. it is moving from one end to the other not in spots.. any idea of what i can do i really would love to save it because the rest of it looks perfectly healthy and...
  4. aceiswild7

    Corals I saw around Hawaii

    i cant wait to go to hawaii sometime but i have been to belize and that was great diving and snorkeling, oh and if anyone lost a wide angle camera lense in belize i found it in the sand right next to the reef about 40ft under.. it was a great find because it fits on my camera perfect
  5. aceiswild7

    clown and anemone Q

    i just got a new clown and he seems to be biting the edge of my carpet anemone.. just kind of biting then letting go . but not just touching its obvious that it is putting some pressure.. anyone ever have this happen to them? thank you
  6. aceiswild7

    Blue Haddoni Anenome

    i have one and its great ive had it for about 3 months now. im now trying to get a red and a purple hadoni as i already have a nice electric green one. <a href="" target="_blank"></a> thats my site there are pics of...
  7. aceiswild7

    Web Site Questions..

    i just tried to make a site .. check it out.. go to the photo page if it works and tell me what you think <a href="" target="_blank"></a> its a free thing so some garbage may pop up just close it andlook at the pics i...
  8. aceiswild7

    Web Site Questions..

    how much do all of your websites about your tanks cost? im dieing to set one up and would really appreciate some advice.. adrian i really like how your site looks .. could you tell me who did it for you and info.. thanx everyone
  9. aceiswild7

    haddoni looks very bad HELP

    point a powerhead at it .. put some good water flow on it if at all possible.. a host clown would also help.. mine just deflated today when i tried to feed it .. just kind of shot out its water and deflated .. just give it time it may not have been in the mood to eat but water flow is key
  10. aceiswild7

    URGENT please help

    weekly 15% is a lot of water changes .. most people do 15 every 3 weeks or monthly
  11. aceiswild7

    Sick Anemone

    heres a tip .. whenever you get a new anemone put it in the most water flow you can. it will move itelf if its not happy and that helps it survive
  12. aceiswild7

    Black Perculas? W/PICS

    thanx all i do beleive that they are A polymnus.. and the other i guess ill just deem a clarkii if anyone wants to see more pics feel free to request
  13. aceiswild7

    Black Perculas? W/PICS

    the one i thoughtwas a clarkii does have yellow in its tail fin though..and all of them go back and forth from the anemones.. i have seen the perculas or saddles and the clarkii each in every anemone.. S haddoni, S gigantea and sabae anemone.. none have really made up their mind they just switch...
  14. aceiswild7

    Water Condition question

    how about this can anyone recomend a good calcium test kit? i drip kalk and have a test kit that you drip stuff into and shake then multiply by ten but it took me almost 20 drops last time i tried and i dont trust it.. also i lost count around 9 thanx
  15. aceiswild7

    best way to catch a damsel

    i forget what company it is but somebody makes traps for fish which you can set and just wait for the fish to go into it good luck i may get one for myself soon
  16. aceiswild7

    Black Perculas? W/PICS

    im sure they arent clarkii's because i also have a black clarkii which is in the pic in the white carpet... i originally thouht they were saddlebacks but my local lfs said they were percs.. i guess they are saddle backs which is fine with me thanx .. anyone who has an opinion welcome im curious...
  17. aceiswild7

    Black Perculas? W/PICS

    i have an album on where i post my pics.. sharks please dont delete the site name its not selling anything merely a site which posts pics for free. i would love to see your pics once you get them online. the clowns seem to be doing well so far but i have only had them for a few days
  18. aceiswild7

    Black Perculas? W/PICS

    Sorry these may take a while to load but i think these pics are worth the wait.. please tell me what you think S Haddoni and black perculas Powder Blue with Blue Haddoni anemone Black Clarkii Clown with S gigantea Black Percs in Blue S Haddoni
  19. aceiswild7

    Carpet anomeno wont eat

    if the tentacles are just bumps then it is S haddini .. i have a blue one that wouldnt take food for weeks until it got used to the tank .. now it eats anything.. it and my green one just got new host clowns but my long tentacle anemones wouldnt eat while clowns were living in them is this it...
  20. aceiswild7

    Black Perculas? W/PICS

    NM i cant thankyou enough for requesting pics .. while trying to get a pic of one of them in my blue carpet anemone my powder blue swam right into the shot... but it was the most amazing pic i could ever hope for .. ill post them soon