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  1. aceiswild7

    What is your dream tank?

    I'm setting up my realistic dream tank this saturday... a 180 Reef Ready tank with a drilled 125 refugium that is elevated next to it to gravity feed into the reef tank. minimal pumps, no filtration. small protien skimmers. 4" sand bed in each tank. lots of live rock in the main tank. lots of...
  2. aceiswild7

    New Carpet

    ive had that same type of carpet(haddoni) anemone before ... i still have one now, they are great . my tank went through an ordeal which id rather not get into but before my fish were killed i had my carpets hosting clowns without any problems, other fish like some clown gobies i had im pretty...
  3. aceiswild7

    How much Sand?

    thanx i appreciate it.... i have 240lbs of live sand coming in saturday... what kind of cheap sand should i use for the other 160 lbs? thanx for the replies
  4. aceiswild7

    How much Sand?

    ive had my 125 for a while now and im setting up a 180 and im going to raise my 125 on a platform and use it as a gravity feeding refugium to the main 180. my question is how much sand do i need for my 180 to get the desired 4" bed? i have it in my 125 now but its been a while and i have no idea...
  5. aceiswild7

    Glass Anemones

    i wouldnt have thrown them out.. i say now if u put in about 6 peppermints you will never see aptasia again.. mine took few weeks to get started eating them though.. i havntseen one since
  6. aceiswild7

    can a fish only tank ...

    actually im fairly certain inverts is where the line is drawn and it becomes a reef.. i dont see what the difference is though.. get whatever kind of tank u like the most though
  7. aceiswild7

    Coral Beauties VS. Flame Angels

    tough call but flames stay smaller so id suggest that.. .. i couldnt decide so i got a 125 and i have both of them :) :D
  8. aceiswild7

    fragging sarcophyton Q

    i decided the other day to start fragging some of my healthy growing pieces.. i have to go get glue but for now ive used rubber bands on the first few.. my Q is how long shoud i leave the rubber band on? when should it attach. the frags look good but how longshould i wait? thanx
  9. aceiswild7

    Mucky reef tank...

    u could get an algae blenny but thats still not fixing the problem though it will help with the work.. how much live rock do you have? and how deep is the sand bed... the bio balls may be the problem.
  10. aceiswild7

    TONS of Pulsing Xenia frags in Buffalo, NY- want to trade...

    how far are you from kingston? or poughkeepsie? i may be willing to buy whatever u want to trade for a fair price thank you
  11. aceiswild7

    Too much CAULERPA ? send it to me!

    hey dgb.. email me whenever you get this .. if you want to take a ride out here next saturday ill have a decent amount that you can have
  12. aceiswild7

    territorial cleaner shrimps

    when i first got my pair of cleaner shrimp after they decided where they were setting up home they killed an anemone that was close to them.. i would just see them picking at it sometimes because it was to close.. i caughtit too late though
  13. aceiswild7

    Is an all damsel tank feasible?

    if i was gonna do a fish only tank now i would get a school of maybe 10 firefish.. purple if you can afford them.. or mixed.. they are great and they stay together good luck
  14. aceiswild7

    Too much CAULERPA ? send it to me!

    hey im in staten island.. im due for harvesting in about a week.. id be happy to help out if your not far.
  15. aceiswild7

    Coralline Algae Growth

    in established systems it grows on the glass so yes it will grow on any kind of rock in a good system in time
  16. aceiswild7

    Coralline Algae

    what are you calling bad algae?? is it the green hair type? if so an algae blenny will clear that up for you in no time.. if its slime algae then the problems in your water good luck.. fix your problem dont start over
  17. aceiswild7

    Colt Coral and Christmas Tree Coral

    my christmas tree opens up mostly at night while my colts are open all day just my experience
  18. aceiswild7

    Aceiswild7 ...his pics!!

    thanx.. while i know im pushing nmreefs generousity i just got a few orange skunk clowns today which seemto have taken to my lime green carpet which is not open in the pic above i am goin to snap a pic tommorow and try to have it posted thanx alot
  19. aceiswild7

    how many is too many?W/Pics!!!!

    i appreciate any feedback thanx
  20. aceiswild7

    Are tube anemones dyed that color?

    first of all bbq is way of life and so its like choosing which way of life is best. just wanted to clear that up.. and no they are not died the only anemones dyed are yellow sabaes and maybe some other yellow ones