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  1. aceiswild7

    New Pics after DSB

    impressive.. i wish my polyps will someday multiply like that.. how long has your tank been set up? good luck
  2. aceiswild7

    how many is too many?W/Pics!!!!

    that site isnt working for me either.. any other ideas. these pics came out love to share.. anyone i can send them to who can post them for me i would really appreciate it.. for all those who love carpet anemones i have 5 different colored ones right next to each other.. thanx
  3. aceiswild7

    how many is too many?W/Pics!!!!

    i took the pics and they came out good but i cant get into my photo album so im not sure how im going to post them here.. anyone have any ideas or can nnyone help? thanx
  4. aceiswild7

    how many is too many?W/Pics!!!!

    i will post some pics of my tank later today when i take them but i have a 125 with a refugium and a skimmer which i recently turned off but my question is how many anemones and corals are too many? short of space restrictions do they really produce enough waste to pollute a system? i have about...
  5. aceiswild7

    Favorite Coral

    i love colt coral i have 3.. carpet anemones are the best.. i have 4 of those and picking up 2 more today.. my hammers and goniopora also are great corals.. good luck with whatever you get though
  6. aceiswild7


    yellow sabaes are not natural they are dyed .. theyalways die.. i dont think anyone has had success with them
  7. aceiswild7

    Luck w/Dendroneptha?

    i got a small one today for free and i have hopes of bringing it back to staying upright and growing.. my tank is established and all my other corals are doing great i was just curious if anyone else has had any luck with them? ive read about how they are difficult to get to inflate to all but...
  8. aceiswild7

    Copepods Online??

    you ever come down to the city? im in staten island if your ever around ill give you some sand and caulerpa from my refugium its full of pods
  9. aceiswild7

    powder blue tangs eating macro. . .

    depends what kind of macro.. grape caulerpa is in trouble though
  10. aceiswild7

    What to feed Mandarin Goby?

    you need lots of live rock with sufficient population of copepods.. without that it will die over time..
  11. aceiswild7

    new arrival from

    hey lou what kind of setup do you have.?? im in staten island also
  12. aceiswild7

    off topic-cloned fish

    golden moray crossed with a hawaiin dragon moray.....!!! put me on the list
  13. aceiswild7

    sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)

    brizil - brazil , figi - fiji, im not a fake - is a fake
  14. aceiswild7

    New LR... use the skimmer or no?

    i think so and i also recomend using carbon while curing lr
  15. aceiswild7

    strange and unusual fish?

    i saw these tiny lionfish at my lfs today they were at most an inch long.. very cute.. also some blenny ive never seen i forgot the name of it though
  16. aceiswild7

    Vacation planning

    next week im going to cancun fpr 2 weeks and my 125 reef is fairly high maintenence .. i think i am going to have my lfs guy who knows what he is doing come by every few days because my family is inept. anyone have any advice from experience ? ive been doing everything i can to failsafe and...
  17. aceiswild7

    your worst mess up on a reef tank

    i would never have thought of it but it is killing me now.. not putting as big of a sump as possible in the stand before the tank was setup.. now i can only fit a small sump which is not working as well as id like it to
  18. aceiswild7


    i live in staten island but frequent the city. what kind of setup you have? later, Anthony
  19. aceiswild7

    Uh oh paint in my tank...

    if you dont have one get a protien skimmer asap
  20. aceiswild7

    lfs won't sell to me!!!

    the guy having his point of views is one thing but he is so wrong.. mushroom can do great in a 5 gallon tank even multiply with the right care.. but dont ever go back