Search results

  1. aceiswild7

    FISH for sale in NJ

    I picked up 90 lbs of great LR from Sumeet today. I saw all the fish and they were all very healthy and happy. If i had room i would have taken the purple tang and Volitan lion. If your at all interested in the fish go take a look.
  2. aceiswild7

    do u swim in your tank?

    thats a great tank if he just got rid of the big blacktips
  3. aceiswild7

    180g Complete Tank in NJ For Sale

    how much for the rock, skimmer and lighting system. if you are willing to break up? Thanks, Anthony
  4. aceiswild7

    Has anyone ever had an octopus?

    I had one once. a small one i kept in a 30g with live rock and no other fish or inverts. I't was a lot of fun. i wouldnt really recommend getting one. mine dissapeared after a few months, not sure if it escaped but i never saw the body or if it just died in the tank. they are a lot of fun to...
  5. aceiswild7

    Yahoo pics as links not pics?

    These pictures keep showing up as links, how do i get them to show the picture? they are in yahoo! photo album. Thank you. they are pics from costa rica and walkers cay in the bahamas
  6. aceiswild7

    Pink Colts in NYC

    beautiful tank, i like the look of the dark sand and rock with the bright corals, ive never seen anyone pull it off so well. Do you have any experience shipping corals? im also not so sure you could fit my full colts in your tank but if you do squeeze one in they are bright as could be and would...
  7. aceiswild7

    Pink Colts in NYC

    I forgot to mention this in the first post but i would prefer a local trade, i may ship if i can find a way to do so, i can't post pictures until next week though. Do you have pics of the devils hand and zoo's? Thanks, Anthony
  8. aceiswild7

    Pink Colts in NYC

    I have a 180 reef in staten island NY and I have had very good luck with colt corals. They have actually become a pain because they are overshadowing other corals. I am in college in florida now until next thursday, but when i get home i am thinking i would like to take out a few pieces of...
  9. aceiswild7

    180g Complete Tank in NJ For Sale

    You've got mail.
  10. aceiswild7

    Wanted: LR in NYC

    I've got a few hundred pounds of the stuff but i'd like some more for my sump and refugium. even base rock would work great. just looking for cheap prices. another 50 lbs or so is about what im looking for Thanks
  11. aceiswild7

    LR for sale Locals only Long Island / 5 Boroughs

    ill give you 100, are you close to east hampton ill actually be out there today. Thanks, Anthony
  12. aceiswild7

    New York

    what kind of setup have you got? if i think its going to a nice home ill give you a colt coral frag .
  13. aceiswild7

    Some pictures of my 125 inhabitants

    thats one of the few tanks i have ever seen that i really thinks looks like the ocean. im a big fan of it, where did you get that sand?
  14. aceiswild7

    6-9 free Staten Island chromis

    title says it all, ive got a 180 reef that i started with 9 green chromis and now id rather other fish and ive got the chromis pretty well trained to take flake from my finger so im pretty sure i can net them out. if someone is close to Staten island and knows what day they would be able to pick...
  15. aceiswild7

    Glass top for reef?

    i never used the glass cover for my 125 reef but now i have a 180 that i set up and it came with a glass cover for it. im just curious whether or not anyone else uses them? do they trap too much heat or take away from the lighting in any way? just curious what everyone else out there is doing thanks
  16. aceiswild7

    set up for sale

    if you are willing to break up the tank and sell corals i would also be interested.. Thanks
  17. aceiswild7

    Tessy pic for grouperhead

    thats my favorite fish.... i think i may get one in my 180 reef that im setting up now..... great pic though
  18. aceiswild7

    Twin 300 gallon tanks

    those are great tanks.... as a reef person i have to ask why not some live rock instead of the dead coral? i think it would look more natural and maybe a little more sand?..... just my 2. great tanks though
  19. aceiswild7

    LFS in Tampa

    hey im actually back in new york but i went to college at the university in tampa.... there is a good one in downtown tampa , right by the college. if you get yourself directions to the college it will put you on the main roads you need. if your going to be on I275 its even easier... just take...