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  1. aceiswild7

    bulbs for refugium

    thanx but should i keep he 50/50 on 24hrs like the actinics are?
  2. aceiswild7

    The Old Carbon Question

    i put it in sometimes on a normal basis but whenever i add live rock i always put it in it helps clear up the tank
  3. aceiswild7

    5gal. tank..what to do?

    how about a mantis shrimp they are great pets if by themselves or you could try to grow nice colorful mushrooms
  4. aceiswild7

    Black "stuff'

    its called slime algae its BAD you should have your water tested .. im sure your readings will be high investing in a protien skimmer is a good idea also good luck
  5. aceiswild7

    bulbs for refugium

    i finally got my refug set up and i have three light bulbs that can fit on .. i have 2 actinic as a third should i put another actinic or a 50/50? the tank is a 25 gal and the bulbs are 15w each thanx
  6. aceiswild7

    i set up my refug

    i finally got mine set up what can any of you tell me as far as caulerpa going sexual? ive heard a little about it but dont know which do it and how to stop it also do any ofyou have critters? not pods but fish to keep growth in check thanx
  7. aceiswild7

    29 Gal needs stocking suggestions

    might want to get a host anemone for the percs.. long tentacle or carpet both look nice
  8. aceiswild7

    Shark Tankmate Suggestions Wanted

    you can put cowries with sharks ive seen it done with no problem but the water needs to be in good shape
  9. aceiswild7

    Saddle back eggs

    quick get to your lfs ask themto oxygenate a bag and ship all of the babies to me ill pay shipping since im a nice guy .. realisticly though i think you might want to seperate them they make cantainers for bettas or quarintine you can hang on the side or if you wantto go crazy get a pet pal...
  10. aceiswild7

    refug pump size?

    my refugium is going to be a few feet away from my tank and elavated a litte bit .. i know the water flow is suposed to be slow but would a 500 gph pump be to much?? by time the water gets to the tank i cant imagine it will still have the momentum and i will have it going through some pvc elbows...
  11. aceiswild7

    NEW TANK.....

    ro means reverse osmosis its a type of filtration which removes and metals or impurities from water
  12. aceiswild7

    would this work out

    what size tank and what kinds of lions?
  13. aceiswild7

    agressive powder blue tang

    yup mines a pain also he attacks any new fish for a while sometimes he stops and lets them be but some fish ive had to remove
  14. aceiswild7

    undulate triggers

    i had a 10" or so one with 2 four foot tessalata morays and they were fine
  15. aceiswild7

    stupid clowns

    even though it would probably work its not worth it the rock work is tentative as it is im not looking to destroy my tank so my clowns go into the anemone if anything ill move the goniopora eventually but there arentmany flat spots for it in my tank so well see thanx
  16. aceiswild7

    stupid clowns

    my percula and two banded clown are using my goniopora as a host when there is a carpet anemone 6" away.. the plate doesnt mind but the goniopora is closing up and im afraid it will have adverse affects ive read about because it cant eat any ideas?
  17. aceiswild7

    do i have too many fish in tank

    bring some of your water, maybe a half a ziplock bag full to your local pet store and ask them to test your water also buy a test kit i think your waters going to be in bad shape postthe results here when you get them.. alsohave you done any water changes since you set up the tank?
  18. aceiswild7

    do i have too many fish in tank

    while there are exceptions to every rule on paper your tank is destined to fail . i cant imagine your water quality is at all decent but then againyou might have a great filtration system. what are your water parameters?
  19. aceiswild7

    Help Hurry

    as far as doing copper you will then never be able to put the feather duster back in the tank seperating the tang and a freshwater dip should help but wait for someone more knowledgable to tell you
  20. aceiswild7

    Percula clown not going in Plate coral.

    asian i have a long tentacle plate and 2 carpet anemones and mine is in the coral instead of the host anemone i guess some just dont know what they should be doing