Search results

  1. kiharaconn

    Removing Copper?

    This weekend my brother came to visit and brought a big box full of base rock and coral pieces. I would like to use these in my tank which should be set up within the next couple of weeks. I had to wait for the carpet to be installed first. Anyway when he had his tank set up 10 years ago he...
  2. kiharaconn

    No tap water?

    Yesterday I was in Home Depot looking at RO units. Of course I couldn't find anyone to help me but in looking around I found a water quality test kit. It tests for ph, Alkalinity, chlorine, iron, copper and nitrate/nitrite. It only cost about 10.00 so I bought one. My tank should be up an...
  3. kiharaconn

    fake plants?

    No you do not do water changes during your cycle. It will just extend the length of time the cycle takes. The brown algae is normal and will most likely go away or change colors later. I have a pico tank and have alittle over 1lb of lr. Of course since it is so small I don't have fish but...
  4. kiharaconn


    Well I went home yesterday and the snail had again climbed out of the tank. Only this time he must have fallen and was on the desk and dead. My worry is that he didnt' have enough food. He was in my pico tank. I now have several baby snails and wonder if he didn't have enough food if they...
  5. kiharaconn

    Copperband Butterfly

    I once had a copperbanded angel also. Every week I went to the grocery store and bought 7 fresh shrimps. I would pull the meat off and feed it to my angel and puffer. I was able to keep the angel for 2 years before my tank leaked and I lost most of the water while at work. I put everyone in...
  6. kiharaconn

    Should I challenge my cycle?

    The lfs here, which is sw only, claims that with cured rock and ls that you won't have a cycle. He claims that if you set your tank up by his directions with lr, ls and ro water that you could put fish in the next day.
  7. kiharaconn


    Several times this week I have found my snail on the outside of the tank. Does anyone know what this means? I was concerned that it meant there wasn't enough food for him on the inside.
  8. kiharaconn

    Power Outages???

    The lfs here sells a unit that only comes on during a power outage. It plugs into the outlet and comes on and runs off of battery. Its alot like the battery powered air stones. During the last hurricane we used the battery air stones until we were able to buy a power inverter that we hooked...
  9. kiharaconn

    Transporting Water

    When my friend and I moved her tank we used rubber maid containers double lined with trash bags. That way any live rock can stay submerged. Just make sure that you don't fill them so much that they can't be moved or break under the weight while moving. If there are any fish put them in bags...
  10. kiharaconn

    Wife went shopping without me !?!?

    You can go to Walmart to the kitchen dept. They have a small baster that you could use to squirt the food into the scallop. A friend of mine uses one for her tank. Works great.
  11. kiharaconn

    LR/Base Rock question

    How long has it been dried? I wouldn't think that if it has been out for a long time it would need to be cured again. Just rinse it extremely well to get off all the dust and grime that settled on it over time. If it hasn't been out long then it would probably need to be cured again. The...
  12. kiharaconn

    White Stringy things- Not Poop!!

    I've never heard of spaghetti worms so I'll have to do a search. It is in the rock and when it comes out it doesn't come all the way out. It just slips out alittle at the time then pulls back in. Thanks clarkiiclo but my worm doesn't look as wide as the one in your picture. Its thin with...
  13. kiharaconn

    White Stringy things- Not Poop!!

    Let me first say I'm sorry not to search but I'm at work and can't spend much time on the internet. Last night I was looking at me tank. I just added more live rock last week. I saw this long string coming from a hole in the rock. While looking it pulled back into the rock. I know it can't...
  14. kiharaconn

    Weird globs

    Clown52 thats what mine does. They don't move unless something gets near and then its not much. They also don't seem to be getting any larger. About the size of a pin head.
  15. kiharaconn

    Weird globs

    Since Tizzo gave me an idea of what I have I did a search and while reading I remembered that I did have an astrea snail in my tank not long ago. It kept falling off the glass and landing on its back and one day when I came home from work it was dead. Maybe it laid eggs. I remember now that...
  16. kiharaconn

    Weird globs

    Thanks Tizzo. They look like the second image you attached where beth said they were nassarius snail eggs. I only have turbo snails in my tank. Would those come in on the new live rock I put in the tank? And if they are snails does this mean I need to get small shells for them. Right now I...
  17. kiharaconn

    Weird globs

    Sorry my camera is on the blink - hoping santa will bring me a new one. They are clear with a small white spot in the center. And they move when you touch them or a snail or something moves near. They are mostly at the top of the tank. Could it be baby snails?
  18. kiharaconn

    Weird globs

    Come on guys give me alittle help. Are these things harmful or should I not worry about them.
  19. kiharaconn

    Weird globs

    I just put some new lr in my tank and later noticed a small asternia star. Not a problem for me but when I was looking at him I noticed loads of small globs on the upper part of the tank. It has a small white spot in the center and a glob around it. When the stat moved near it it moved. What...
  20. kiharaconn

    How Long can fish live in shipping bags?

    I ordered two feather dusters that took a week to arrive. I took a battery operated air pump to work and put that in as soon as they arrived. One lived and is thriving. The other was alive when it arrived but sadly was eaten by a crab soon after I put it in the tank. So some fish are hardy...