Search results

  1. kiharaconn

    Clownfish fighting

    I have two Ocellarius clowns. One is 1" and the other is 1 1/2". They have both been in the tank about 7 months - purchased at the same time. At first they were inseperable but now the larger one, big mama, chases the smaller one, shorty around the tank. Shorty hides all the time only coming...
  2. kiharaconn

    Question for Ophiura

    I have a fromia star and he has a bubble looking area on one of his arms. He has been in the tank about 3 weeks now. At first he was hiding so I didn't see it until the other night when he moved to an area where I could see him. I checked my water last week and my sg was down to 1.021 so I...
  3. kiharaconn

    skimmer question

    I would love too but the tank is set up against a wall and the stand has a bar between the doors. So there is no way to get the wet/dry out. If I had know I would be ready for a skimmer so soon I would have thought this out alittle better. The wet/dry is only 9 1/2 inches wide and the foot...
  4. kiharaconn

    skimmer question

    I'm wanting to buy the G2 with the recirculating mods but can't figure a way to fit it in my wet/dry. I have a 75 gal with a wet/dry, 110 lbs lr. My lfs said that when I got all my lr then we would gut the wet/dry and add a skimmer. I want to purchase the skimmer somewhere else though since...
  5. kiharaconn

    Do fish sleep upside down??!!!

    My gramma and fire fish both sleep wedged in a rock head down or upside down. Pseudos and gramma are related.
  6. kiharaconn

    Fish Death

    I tested my water friday and everything was ok. I don't have the readings here at work. My sg was alittle low - 1.021 - so I'm slowly working to raise it back up to 1.023. I have a 75 that has been up and running for about 7 months now. It has two power heads and the return pump so I feel...
  7. kiharaconn

    Fish Death

    I purchased a pygmy angel saturday and everything was ok until last night. She was eating and last night had finally come out and was swimming around the tank. When I got home from work I watched her for alittle while then went to take a shower. When I came back she was lying on the sand...
  8. kiharaconn

    I need a skimmer

    Please help!! I have a 75 that will in time be a reef. I am ready to purchase a skimmer and the lfs here wants to sell me a ASM G1X for $300. I know that on one website I found it for $220. That was for the skimmer and a pump. Reading on here I've seen alot of people have the Remora series...
  9. kiharaconn

    FoxFace Purchase?

    I love my Foxface. At first when I put mine in he hid for a day or two. But after that he would swim away when I approached the tank. Now he follows me around the tank and eats out of my hand. He also nibbles at my arm anytime I'm doing anything in the tank. The only time you would have to...
  10. kiharaconn

    help, not sure what to do.

    My understanding is that if you use fully cured lr and ls there will be no cycle to go through. I used fully cured rock and have had my tank set up for over a month now with no problems with my levels at all. The thing is to make sure it is fully cured. If it was left sitting out for several...
  11. kiharaconn

    Lower the temp in the tank???

    I have a 75 that is for now a fowlr. My lfs told me to keep the temps between 75-80. At first the temps were 85 but I found out the heater was malfunctioning. After that was taken care of it lingered around 80. So I put a fan on the sump. Now the temp ranges from 76.8 to 79. Is this ok...
  12. kiharaconn

    Heater gone haywire?

    I was mistaken it was 77.5 degrees instead of 75. My lfs said that the temp needed to stay between 75-80.
  13. kiharaconn

    Heater gone haywire?

    Also I had noticed wed at lunch that my heater light was on. It was set at 75 and it was only 77 in the house. So I'm sure that was part of my problem. Just like your house thermostat I would think that the heater could be off a few degrees. So try turning it down some just to play it safe.
  14. kiharaconn

    Heater gone haywire?

    My tank has only been set up a month now. I haven't added anything but ls and lr because of the temp. Last weekend it was 85. So I closed the curtains, added a fan to blow on the wet/dry and bumped the air conditioner down a couple of degrees. I also left the doors to the stand open and the...
  15. kiharaconn

    How to Frag?

    The story I always heard was that super glue was developed during one of our wars. It was used to glue together wounds to keep out infection until the person could be taken to a doctor. Tons of stuff we use today wase developed during wars. Like rubbermaid!
  16. kiharaconn

    What could it be??

    I have a pico tank on my nightstand right now. I will be setting up my 75g hopefully next week. The only thing in my pico is ls, lr, feather duster and some polyps and mushrooms. As hitchhikers, there are a few baby sails and a couple of small bristle worms and a small astrena star. Well my...
  17. kiharaconn

    RO/DI Units

    Thanks for the answers. I was just on the verge of ordering. So now I have some more looking to do. Thanks much.
  18. kiharaconn

    RO/DI Units

    I found online a Mako 5 stage unit that sells for 50gpd $239.89, 100gpd $268.89 or 200 gpd $299.89. My questions are: has anyone had any experience with a Mako RO unit and what does the gpd stand for? I have a 75 gal tank and plan on doing 10% water changes every 2 weeks, so will I be able to...
  19. kiharaconn

    Duster secreting stings?

    What you saw is normal. The polite way to say this is that your duster just relieved himself. They will do this every so often. I've seen mine do this also.
  20. kiharaconn

    "Milk" in a new tank cycle

    I've read in several books that you should not have sand or live rock in the quaratine tank. If you need to medicate the fish it will kill the bacteria in both the rock and sand. Just put something in the tank for the fish to hide behind.