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  1. kiharaconn

    frogspawn and torch...

    I just bought a small frogspawn last night. It has two small heads. I was not told that it needed to be fed. Can you tell me what to feed and how often. I also bought a smal flavia brain. Is there anything I need to do for him? Thanks.
  2. kiharaconn

    Where can I find automatic top off?

    I have one that you attach to a power head. The powerhead is wired into an extension cord and uses a float switch. I don't have the info with me now but it only cost about $40. I can send that to you in a couple of hours if you are interested. I have loved mine. My tank uses about a gallon...
  3. kiharaconn

    Help with Toadstool

  4. kiharaconn

    Help with Toadstool

    I've had a toadstool in my tank for about 8-9 months now. It was half on the rock it came on and half on the lr that was underneath it. I was moving some things around last night and the lower rock slipped and ripped the part that was on the upper rock off. The toadstool closed up but before...
  5. kiharaconn

    COTW--Zoanthus polyps

    I had a nice patch of zoos then all of a sudden over half stopped opening. I can see the bud there but they have not opened in a month now. What could be the problem. Nothing has changed in the tank and all my levels are still good.
  6. kiharaconn

    COTW--Zoanthus polyps

    I had a nice patch of zoos then all of a sudden over half stopped opening. I can see the bud there but they have not opened in a month now. What could be the problem. Nothing has changed in the tank and all my levels are still good.
  7. kiharaconn

    Need help with mystery

    Someone told me that it might be a gorilla crab but again I've seen nothing. When I tried the coke bottle trap I used a piece of shrimp. Is it something that you have to just keep putting in there. I put it in and left it for a couple of days. Then I took it out and cleaned it and put...
  8. kiharaconn

    percula help

    I've had my two perculas for over a year now. I purchased them both at the same time. At first they were friends but now the larger one bullies the smaller one all the time. Shorty hides most of the day and when he does come out she chases him all over the tank. He has even jumped into the...
  9. kiharaconn

    Need help with mystery

    I have had two fish just disappear. Several of my snails have nothing left but the shells. And now a feather duster is gone. The fish that disappeared were two firefish. The first one to go had one paticular rock that she hung out in. I saw her swim into the rock one day and I didn't see...
  10. kiharaconn

    Strange Worm thingy

    Bump I'm surprised that no one has given any thoughts :help: I'd love to have some idea what this thing is and if I should leave it in my tank or not. Thanks guys.
  11. kiharaconn

    Strange Worm thingy

    Hi guys, I know I haven't been here in a long time but work has kept me away. My last post was about bubble alage and hair alage which is now under control. But last night I was cleaning my rock and found this glob of mucus looking stuff and inside it was a small fat pink worm. The worm was...
  12. kiharaconn

    Air Bubble issue

    Sorry it took so long to answer. Thanks for the info. I also talked to my lfs and he said I had phosphates in my water. He recommened that I check the filters on my ro/di unit. When I looked at the paperwork it said to replace some of the filters every year. I've had the unit about a year...
  13. kiharaconn

    help with bubble algae

    I'm having a problem with bubble algae also. I wouldn't be able to take out the rock to remove them cause I would have to take every rock out to do it. Is there anything other than emerald crabs that will eat them?
  14. kiharaconn

    Air Bubble issue

    I had the same problem. I upgraded my lights then they were everywhere. I could wave them and they would float away but in just a few minutes they were back. Now I am getting bubble algae. I had wondered if that was the beginning of bubble algae.
  15. kiharaconn

    ASM G2 help please........

    I have the same skimmer and love it. Mine is in 8" or more deep. If yours hasn't been run in awhile let it run for a few days before you worry about how well it is doing. I think mine ran for about a week before I started to really notice anything. The pipe on the side - the top of it should...
  16. kiharaconn

    Painting Canopy?

    I painted the inside of my hood with high gloss. It sure makes a huge difference. I went into a shop when I purchased my lights and they had 2 tanks side by side. One was painted and one wasn't. The one that was was much brighter and had much better color. Just be sure to use oil paint and...
  17. kiharaconn

    aiptasia anemone removal question

    I also have had aiptasia. I have been using joes juice without any problems. Just turn the pumps and powerheads off so that it doesn't drift onto something else. It has stunted some of my polyps. But I do plan on getting a shrimp. There will always be some aiptasia on a rock that you can't...
  18. kiharaconn

    HELP HELP HELP - tank almost 90 degrees

    Check to make sure that your houses heater vent is not directly over or by your tank. If it cools in the house at night and your houses heater comes on and blows hot air on the tank it could be heating it some. When my tank was doing the same thing it was the tank heater. The way I found out...
  19. kiharaconn

    HELP HELP HELP - tank almost 90 degrees

    Most heaters are not calibrated correctly so you will have to adjust the dial based on the thermometer. I had the same problem. I had the dial set at 78 but the actual temp was much higher. I unplugged it and let the temp get down to a normal range. Then I left the door open to the sump...
  20. kiharaconn

    Aiptasia or something else??

    The second thing that you asked about sounds like small feather dusters. I have several in my rock that are a ring of white and a ring of green and also some that are brown. Also several in the sand that are rings of purple and white. They are light and movement sensitive. They are filter...