Search results

  1. bellanavis

    a large live rock wanted

    I have two large rocks, that I made, that I was saving for the 380, they do not fit in the 125, so they are not cycled, but they have been "cycled with freshwater", know what I mean? The have caves, and tunnels in them. If you want pictures, email me at I love making rock...
  2. bellanavis

    I'm never eating beef again!

    I also always had a problem eating meat, and seeing it raw, and that articale really made me sick.
  3. bellanavis


    If its a company paid thing, they might have gotten the package that includes the fun things to do, and the food. I want to go there sometime, let me know if you liked it or not.
  4. bellanavis

    Anyone else lonely on Valentine's day ?

    Yeah, today sucks, just like every other day of the year.
  5. bellanavis

    Anyone have

    I really want a sega genesis, shipping would not be that much?
  6. bellanavis

    Anyone have

    A game system they want to get rid of? Like a sega, or nintendo?
  7. bellanavis

    Purple Up

    I had trouble keeping my calcium up, no matter what I did, then I used this, and it worked, and when I stopped using it, my levels went back down.
  8. bellanavis

    Has anyone ever used an EGG Crate?

    I am going to use it on the 380.......if it ever gets set up!
  9. bellanavis

    Recent DIY rock?

    I use the rock salt because it melts away, and makes nice voids in the rock.
  10. bellanavis

    Recent DIY rock?

    I use cement, sand, rock salt, crushed coral (if I have some, or can find it cheap). Equal parts of all, and water.
  11. bellanavis

    Recent DIY rock?

    Anyone make any since the last thread? I just got some supplies, to make more, I am going to try and make some branch looking peices? Anyone have any pictures?
  12. bellanavis

    Calling all Car Modders! Post Pics Of Your Cars!

    I'm not 100% sure why they are not street legal in Pa, or parts of Pa at least, but my cousin had one, and he was not allowed to drive in Pa. Or parts of Md?
  13. bellanavis

    SO mad!!!!!!

    Adam said he does not want to go through the trouble, but I think if he just cute the entrence to the kitchen alittle, and takes it out the deck doors, that will work. I bet I can talk him into it, hes such a butthead sometimes, had me all worried for nothing, but you guys are right, it would...
  14. bellanavis

    SO mad!!!!!!

    We have french doors out back, but its in the living room, and we can't get it to the deck doors, it won't fit through the kitchen walkway. They are just buying it, its not that domane thingy, sorry, I can't spell. The tank is empty still, the 125 is still up.
  15. bellanavis

    Calling all Car Modders! Post Pics Of Your Cars!

    If only it was street legal in Pa?
  16. bellanavis

    SO mad!!!!!!

    The tank is way bigger then the windows, we had to get it in the house through the hole where the fireplace went. The college wants the houses for their employees, at least that is what they are tellig us, and so far they own all but 5 houses on the block, and they are all filled with their...
  17. bellanavis

    SO mad!!!!!!

    We got it in before they finished the walls, when the house was under construction.
  18. bellanavis

    Calling all Car Modders! Post Pics Of Your Cars!

    I will have to get my husband on here to show off his boat and mustang, hes done so much stuff to them both, it makes me sick, lol. I have not gotten to do anything to the Navi yet, but I have plans, lol.
  19. bellanavis

    SO mad!!!!!!

    If that would only work......
  20. bellanavis

    SO mad!!!!!!

    Where I live, there is a college like 2 blocks away, and they are buying up all the houses, they want to get university status, and we might move, and we won't be able to get the 380 out of the house, its too big, it won't fit out any of the doors, or the windows. If I still had my land rover...