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  1. bellanavis

    My 380 fish room project

    We have the sump in, and are getting all the suff for the plumbing, its so exciting.
  2. bellanavis

    My 380 fish room project

    Okay, this is Adam (Nikki's husband) writing this: I plan on drilling at least two (larger) holes for the drain (near top of tank), and whatever return lines I end up using I'll have check valves on so they don't siphon if the electric goes out. I'll also have a dedicated drain line from the...
  3. bellanavis

    My 380 fish room project

    The previous owner of this tank put all the refill tubes in... all 18 of them. We'll probably only use about 8 to 10 of the returns, and will drill new bigger holes for the drain into the tank. We also use some of the current drilled tubes to run closed loop filtering... will take it from the...
  4. bellanavis

    My 380 fish room project

    Here is the current status of the tank. And I have a few questions, if anyone wants to give their opinion. My husband and I have been busy with other aspects of our house, but finally have gotten around to working on the tank and room. Check the pics. We should have the tank filling soon...
  5. bellanavis

    Cell Phones?

    I got an nextel i880, now that I figured out how to use it, its great, it does everything, you can even use it as a moden for a computer, it has a camera, camcorder, all kinds of stuff, and I got it for free.
  6. bellanavis


    Ok, thanks for all your help, I will have to try that on my next day off, my work has me locked out of doing anything cool, lol.
  7. bellanavis


    I got the site to load, but now what?
  8. bellanavis


    SoCal, I don't understand that bitpim site. And I can't get the cellphonehacks site to load.
  9. bellanavis


    It only lets me select from the ringers that are under the menu ring tones, it won't let me select from media files.
  10. bellanavis


    I do have the blue tooth thingy, and also a cord, I still don't know how to do it, I will have to go to the nextel store on one of my days off. I went to that site, and I got a song onmy phone, but I don't know how to get it to be a ringtone, its just in my media files. Now, after I got that...
  11. bellanavis


    I don't know how to do the blue tooth thing? I really want a song I have on cd as a ringtone, but I don't know how to do it. And also, it has a music player, but I can't figure out how to do that either.
  12. bellanavis


    Thanks, I will check them out.
  13. bellanavis


    Anyone have the i880 cell from nextel? Also, anyone know of a website besides the site that you can download ringtones from that nextel phones accept?
  14. bellanavis

    For those in Pa, or willing to drive to Pa

    I did not even know thisw girl till she sent a post out on this one online forum asking for help with her dogs. I just feel bad that I can not keep them, they are great dogs, with the exception of the male wanting to kill my boxer.
  15. bellanavis

    For those in Pa, or willing to drive to Pa

    I have a long story about these two Dobi puppys, but to make it shorter, I was puppy sitting for what was to be 2 weeks, but turned out they will not take them back, I already have 2 dogs, so I can not keep them forever. One male, Jeter, one female, Roxy. Both are great dogs, get along with...
  16. bellanavis

    I got a new bird!!!!

    Congrats. have two eclectus, one male and one female, they are very loud.
  17. bellanavis

    2 free skimmers

    I have a Berlin XL, all parts here, and a skimmer that is for around a 75 - 100, that might be missing some parts, not sure, but, they are yours for the taking, for free. The Berlin XL is still hooked up to my 125, but not running, so you will have to disconnect it, the other one is not hooked...
  18. bellanavis

    Stocking A 300?

    Maybe a lionfish, and some tangs? A toadfish?
  19. bellanavis

    Anyone around Reading Pa know how to fix lights?

    I posted before about my lights catching on fire, well, at least the cord did. It all started with the one MH bulb went out, so I went and bought a new bulb, but it still di dnot work. Then, we smelled melting plastic, and saw that the cord was kinda melting. I had to keep turning them on...
  20. bellanavis

    Sea-Hare Question

    My seahares eat silversides, alge strips, shrimp, almost anything I feed the fish. But, they like the silversides, and the alge strips the best.