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  1. bellanavis

    anyone making or has made live rock

    Ok, here is a answer to what you asked, yes, you can use tap water.
  2. bellanavis

    What to do with an injured stray?

    Ok, clear this up for me, you said the dogs got the cat anyways, you mean they killed it?
  3. bellanavis

    Anyone else do Bikeweek at Daytona

    My husband went like 7 years ago, the first year we were together, lol.
  4. bellanavis

    How can I make her stop?

    My mother in law is that way, drives me nuts.
  5. bellanavis

    New look, new pics, new addtions...Update on my tank.

    Very nice, BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!
  6. bellanavis

    I thought these were cool

    Someone sent these to me, thought I would share.
  7. bellanavis

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    I had this problem in the 125, could not figure it out for the longest time, it turned out to be the timers we were using.
  8. bellanavis

    Help I'm Freaking Out!!

    Could have been a spider?
  9. bellanavis

    Word usage & spelling rant

    When I post, I almost always say sorry for my spelling and grammer, I know I am one of those people who should go back to school. Sorry again.
  10. bellanavis

    Too pretty to fly?

    I agree, they just wanted attention, did anyone see the interview with them, or artical, on AOL, where they were quoted, and they sounded like two dumb blonds. No offence to anyone blonde, I am blonde myself, but that is what came to mind.
  11. bellanavis

    soccer cleats

    I guess I am old school, only use adidas, for indoor and outdoor.
  12. bellanavis

    Sea Hares?

    Some sea hares do burry themselfes in the sand, but they alsolove to hide in very small spaces in the rock. Not all release toins when they die, they only do that if they are stressed. If you find one, and it does not move, when they die, and do not release toxins, you can tell if its dead by...
  13. bellanavis

    Lights on fire

    Ok, thanks, I will see what they say.
  14. bellanavis

    Lights on fire

    Thanks for the answer, but I have no clue, I will have to show that to my husband.
  15. bellanavis


    I put ford, since ford makes Lincoln.
  16. bellanavis

    Lights on fire

    Great, just when we were getting really close to accualy setting up the 380, my lights caught on fire, at least the cords did. Anyone know if they are trash, or if they can be fixed? I can't afford to buy new lights. All my corals are dying.
  17. bellanavis

    This is just sick...warning, this is disturbing

    That is wrong, sick, sad.......I could go on, but I am sure you get my point.
  18. bellanavis

    WTB Live Rock / Sand Located around Pittsburgh, PA

    I can give you some live rock, and some live sand, to seed your tank, I am in Reading.
  19. bellanavis


    I worked in a hospital for 3 years, had lots of experence with it, but never had it myself.