Search results

  1. bellanavis

    my new lionfish shed

    Look out, mine did it a few times, then ich took the whole tank, like a month later!!!!
  2. bellanavis

    Nice fish, very expensive.

    Thanks guys, this thread WAS about that cool tang, I guess not anymore.
  3. bellanavis

    Large tanks

    Ok, thanks, I will do that.
  4. bellanavis

    Nice fish, very expensive.

    Come on guys, I posted that picture for all to see the BEAUTIFUL fish, not to start a fight.
  5. bellanavis

    Someone told me

    Thanks for all the info guys. What stdreb27 said is what I thought, but just wanted to check before I was 100% sure someone else was wrong.
  6. bellanavis

    Nice fish, very expensive.

    Gem Tang - CALL FOR AVAILABILITY. THIS IS A SUPER RARE ITEM. $2,999.99 Maximum Size: 6 inches. General Size Info: 2-4 inches Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons. Diet: The Zebrasoma gemmatum is primarily a constantly grazing omnivore and the bulk of its diet consists of various algae. Offer sushi...
  7. bellanavis

    Someone told me

    Ok, anyone who lives in Pa has been to, or at least heard of That BIG Pet Store in Lancaster, right? I was up there, and they have this freshwater puffer, hes really cool, and huge, anyways, the boy bagging my fish told me that all he was a dogface puffer, and that all dogface puffers turn into...
  8. bellanavis

    Large tanks

    Anyone have pictures of large tanks, like over 300 gallons, I would like to see how the rock is set up?
  9. bellanavis

    Nice fish, very expensive.

    Gem Tang
  10. bellanavis

    Nice fish, very expensive.

    Check this out!!! Only $2999.99 for this guy.
  11. bellanavis


    I added everyone also, mine is BellaNavis, go figure.
  12. bellanavis


    The sitting and getting help and support from my other, well, that would not work, all he would do is yell at me and put me down, hes not one to help others.
  13. bellanavis


    I wish it was that easy!
  14. bellanavis


    Lion, I have tried to block the website, but it got so bad that I started going to my Dad's, sister's and mom's house, then I just unblocked it. I HAVE ABSOLUTLY NO WILL POWER!!!!
  15. bellanavis


    Sorry, I just noticed they block out that [hr] site, I wonder why, its just not saltwater stuff, its so much stuff, thats my problem, lol.
  16. bellanavis

    Making your own mini city. Unique

    I guess we would have to get one person to go and accualy make the city, we should get more people to tell us if they want to do it?
  17. bellanavis


    I have a problem with ----, I bid on stuff I know I can't afford, and then Adam and I fight about it, its like I am addicted. All the cool stuff you can find on there. (thats where I got my 380gallon tank) I am addicted, and I have no will power to stop.
  18. bellanavis

    Making your own mini city. Unique

    Hi guys, I made one too. This is cool, thanks for sharing!!! We should all get together and make one, name it saltwater town, or something like that, and try to get it ranked high?
  19. bellanavis

    Humuhumu Trigger For Sale. In pike county, PA

    If you go closer to the Reading area anytime, I would love tomeet you somewhere and get him.
  20. bellanavis

    Looking for a 125 or close in the NJ area

    I have a 125 that comes with the sump, stand, all plumbing, skimmer, 2 overflows, 2 pumps, everything but the lights and the live stuff, lol.