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  1. sc0rp_xiii

    Post pictures of your eels here

    how about a vid?
  2. sc0rp_xiii

    post your triig pics here

    one of my favorite fish til he passed away recently
  3. sc0rp_xiii

    List of "Peaceful" Triggers?

    I would place a niger at a 2 nearly. I have one that is 8" and loves to have the cleaner shrimp crawl all over him and doesn't act aggressively towards him. He won't even eat silversides or whole meaty products, I have to mix it up to fool him into it.
  4. sc0rp_xiii

    Need Your Thoughts...Last fish

    I have a Hawaiian Black and love it!
  5. sc0rp_xiii

    diy overflow!!!!!!!!! check it out!!!!

    I have a Quiet One 6000 as well, so 1.5" drains won't flood it?
  6. sc0rp_xiii

    diy overflow!!!!!!!!! check it out!!!!

    I am building some of these for my 125G so wish my luck! I will go with the 1.5" pipes with ball valves below to manage flow. Thanks for the write up.
  7. sc0rp_xiii

    Question about Hypo

    will get pics this weekend. I calibrated with distilled water at around 68 degrees per instructions and still no change. All fish are eating well two times daily and still begging for more.
  8. sc0rp_xiii

    Question about Hypo

    or is hypo not 100% effective? My powder brown tang has ich again on his fins and body this morning when the lights came on!! I monitor salinity daily at 1.009 with a refractometer and do regular water changes. The Nitrates have gotten high a time or two but I have done constant...
  9. sc0rp_xiii

    Question about Hypo

    There is no sign of ich today after roughly 2 weeks at 1.009 so the 4 week countdown has begun Thanks for the info and help, more info to come.
  10. sc0rp_xiii

    My Queen Angel Just Arrived!!!

    I have been following your thread for sometime and wanted to say also, I have been looking at angels to add to my tank when I get it back in full swing. I had to QT and hypo all my fish due to ick. As to what angel you should add. I want to add a scribbled to my setup so that is my...
  11. sc0rp_xiii

    new coolest shark

    watch videos of the mako in open water, beautiful to see but also check out this video of some tiger and bull sharks being fed.
  12. sc0rp_xiii

    2 Very large hermits for sale.Really need them out!!

    I will take them. email me at so we can work it out. Thanks
  13. sc0rp_xiii

    Question about Hypo

    thanx for the information, that's what I was looking for :)
  14. sc0rp_xiii

    Question about Hypo

    I read the thread, am just curious how long it usually takes for ick to die off the fish after 1.009 is reached.
  15. sc0rp_xiii

    Epaulette Shark F/S

    you still trying to sell the passer angel? I have my tank up and going now, email me at Thanks
  16. sc0rp_xiii

    Question about Hypo

    I just put my fish into hypo as my Powder Brown Tang decided to bring some critters to my tank with him. They all seem to be doing well as I lowered the water to 1.009 last night, and yes, I'm using a refractometer. My question is, how long does it usually take for the ich to die off and the...
  17. sc0rp_xiii


    passer angel is my favorite :)
  18. sc0rp_xiii

    WHOA!!!!!!!! Skimmer

    Originally Posted by joncat24 depending on your budget.....I would say the recirc 200 pictured above would be great. But if money is an issue you could look at the nw 200 also. I have seen on other websites people modding the NW200 to apply mess to the NW, putting a gate valve on the return...
  19. sc0rp_xiii

    WHOA!!!!!!!! Skimmer

    joncat, you seem to be knowledgeable about the octopus line of skimmers, what would you recommend for a 125g with a 30-40 gallon sump and heavy stocking? The tank includes a porcupine puffer, black trigger, naso and powder brown tang. and sorry for hijacking the thread but that skimmer is...
  20. sc0rp_xiii

    How long should a Grouper live?

    I would add the tusk to the 240 as well if he is large enough not to become grouper food. I have seen pics of them eating large (20"+) eels so watch out as anything is potential food to them.