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  1. slothy

    sunday 6-pack (dial-up users beware)

    ToadStool Zoos "Chip" - Harlequin Shrimp Orange Yumas Zoos and my fav kinda coral :D Yummy
  2. slothy

    Shrimps eat feather dusters!

    ya my peppermint was a major feather duster molester.... to the point i had to get rid of him...
  3. slothy

    Staghorn hermits

    hit up sammy, hes has one or had one
  4. slothy

    Fish ID

    was sold as a Spotted watchmen goby, but most pics ive seen are pink spotted.. cant find too much info, any one know ?
  5. slothy

    tank pics from all of you

    PHP Code: well fill that info in with your info, and your pic shall show up, unless they forbid external viewinf
  6. slothy

    Tank getting toooo HOT!!

    i keep my tank at 81-82
  7. slothy

    Do Peppermint Shrimp eat tube worms.

    saltaddict - mine must had the same parents as yours, ehhehe.. used to chomp on my corals/feather dusters, but he didnt get a chance to go back to LFS, he became coral food.....
  8. slothy

    any users of The Teclima Micro Chiller

    one last attempt ... bump...
  9. slothy

    What is a Peppermint Shrimp?

    here is a camelback
  10. slothy

    Wierd bubble color change

    true, but it was green as soon has it went into the tank.... i think i just got a fruity ohioian bubble
  11. slothy

    my new pet

    ya he seems to like my acro (the one in pic) only leaves it for 2 secs to get food
  12. slothy

    Boiling my LR

    Originally posted by tsw2117 the best way to kill a apt. is to rip it off the rock or to get some actual cleaner shrimp a coral banded shrimp may eat them or any other type of cleaner shrimp also you can inject it with some copper just be cautious not to use to much if it is a reef tank no more...
  13. slothy

    Wierd bubble color change

    I recently bought a bubble coral, which was pure white at the store, which is why I got it, I already had a green bubble, well in my tank its flor green now like my other one.. This light issue? Or just changes colors when it feels like it?
  14. slothy

    MH and electrics bills

    Originally posted by MelbourneFL yeah but then again slothy one, since you put in the Mh lights, you sit in a black house with all the TV's off and stare at the tank ... OF COURSE you wouldn't see a bump in your electric bill :p Later, Paul hahah you looking in my windows again ?
  15. slothy

    MH and electrics bills

    well i have a 250mh and 2 75watt vho, and didnt notice a jump in elec bill
  16. slothy

    What is a Peppermint Shrimp?

    well im fond of scarlet cleaners (plus they spend more time out and not hiding), and hermits for clean up critters...
  17. slothy

    What is a Peppermint Shrimp?

    well not the best shot, they are part of the cleaner family, pretty much eat scraps, but i had mine chomp on feather dusters and mushooms
  18. slothy

    My name is dusky

    hahaha so ugly hes cute
  19. slothy

    my new pet

    ya same here.. i tried mysis, silversides, formula 1 and 2.. puts it his mouth and spits it out, then the green clown comes and eats what he just spit out lol
  20. slothy

    my new pet

    yes hes a pig, but i have a citron goby too, and hes not eating to well.. going to pick up some other food tonight to see if i can get him to eat something