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  1. fishtanker


    IMAC International Marnie Aquarium Conference I'm not going but i think i';ll be attending MACNA XVI in September in Boston
  2. fishtanker

    Everyone with MH please list your lighting specs....

    over my 125gal i have 1 Iwaski 400wt 6500k with 2 96pc (1 10k and one 50/50) i have it centered over my LR
  3. fishtanker

    Dog fish

    my beagle loves flake too. he's breath is really bad after he eats it.
  4. fishtanker

    who cares...

    i really dont care what people think...however i live by "treat others the way you want to be treated" that seems to work well for me. i think aaron was talking about people who only make decisions based on what people will think of them and not haveing a mind of their own. i know people like...
  5. fishtanker

    latteral line

    i cured lateral line erosion on my achilles tang by using Zoe, Selcon, and Kent Marine C (vitamin C) added to their food. I also swithced from roasted nori to Julian Sprungs Sea veggies. In less than 2 weeks it was completely gone and never returned. i also swithced from using tap water to...
  6. fishtanker

    Where in NY are you?

    hey can go to Union Aquarium in Schenectady (its on Union Street) notas much selection as eddies but a little cheaper. There is also Somthing Fishy in Scotia (near SChenectady) decent selection with decent prices. I was at eddies the other day and they had this HUGE mantis...
  7. fishtanker

    who likes milk?

    i love milk...usually drink about a gallon and a half a week. i used to drin kthe whole (which is the best) but am trying to get rid of the gut so i switched over to %2. anything less than that is just white water in my opinion
  8. fishtanker

    A Power head ques.

    i think the hagen aquaclear's have a higher flow rating...look into the 802
  9. fishtanker

    cow fish & ick& toxins

    if the cow released toxins then that is most likely what killed your trigger. to remove toxins i would do a couple decent sized (%25-%30) water changes and also add some carbon. A poly filter wouldn't hurt either. that should remove the toxin. i would also leave your display tank fishless for...
  10. fishtanker

    purple pincushion urchin

    yup prefectly normal. mine carries shells, small rocks, frags :mad: , hermit crabs, lettuce clips, suction cups, snails and feather dusters. he has a lot of issues nice looking pinchusion BTW :)
  11. fishtanker

    A good personality fish?

    Originally posted by lionfish28 will a lionfish kill a blue tang? if it were a large lion and a very small hippo tang. if the lion can fit it in its mouth then it will eat it.
  12. fishtanker


  13. fishtanker

    How big are your fish?

    i'm curious to know how big everyone's fish are copmpared to the documented max size? my 3year old hippo tang is 7" my 2 1/2 year old yellow boxfish is 7" my 2 1/2 year old achilles tang is 5" my year old LN butterfly is 5" my fish (aside from the butterfly) are no where near their max size...
  14. fishtanker

    Naso tang rub marks.

    typical with naso's i wouldn;t worry about long as he's eating and swimming normal than you should be okay
  15. fishtanker

    Naso tang rub marks.

    naso tangs get white spots when stressed or first introduced into a tank. are the spots rasied against the surface or to they look more like faded spots flat against the body?
  16. fishtanker

    romaine lettuce

    i've always wondered about this....what makes the lettuce not nutritional? i understand that lettuce isn;'t available in the ocean but seaweed, macro's, lettuce are all plants when u get right down to it. don't they consist of the same things? (vitamins, minerals, etc) i feed my tangs nori...but...
  17. fishtanker

    Puffer poked by hovercraft boxfish?

    i wouldn't worry about it...if he does poke the puffer it will only happen once and shouldn't cause much damage. the puffer will learn his lesson :)
  18. fishtanker

    check this out if you run MJ powerheads on a wave maker

    Originally posted by golfish The only thing that I can think of is the impeller turns the opposite way each time it starts up, so it throws the stream to the left one time and to the right the next. thats exactly how it works. depending on where the impeller stops will determine whcih way the...
  19. fishtanker

    MH bulb choice

    Well i spoke with customer service at Hellolights and they said that the AB bulb will fire with no problems but the Ushio may or may not fire. So my choices now are XM 10k or AB 10k. Is there much difference between them?
  20. fishtanker

    Carbon ????

    Originally posted by VAVOOM . I know carbon is used to filter water impurites, for drinking, but what does it do for the aquarium. Thanks Rob i think you answered your own question rob. carbon helps to polish your water by filtering out heavy metals and other elements. i do not think it...