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  1. rykna

    I.D. Angel Please!!!

    What kind of Angel is this???? Emperor? Regal? Koran?
  2. rykna

    Dead Computers :P

    AAARRGGGGGH!!!!!! Both of our computers are officially dead I'm having internet withdrawl....sniff....I'm on Beth's computer right now.
  3. rykna

    Four new Fillies!

    Life is filled with surprises!!! My friend Beth invited me to come with her to our LFS. I hadn't planned on purchasing anything....I've been saving up to purchase my ponies. As we head out she mentions..."I want to stop at the "evil" LFS.(This store tried pass off a extremely dead plate coral as...
  4. rykna

    What if?

    Is it possible that a TB seahorse may not learn how to hitch if they are a species that does not hitch when they're first born?
  5. rykna

    Has Anyone layered Substrate?

    I'm considering layering my 8 inch sand with layers~ LR, LS, LR, LS...etc. The purpose is to leave more wiggle room for sand bed cleaners such as narsisus snails. Has anyone layered their substrate beds?
  6. rykna

    Ponies in a 38g w/8" SB

    Need input please. This is the basic idea: Pros and Cons please
  7. rykna

    8 inch Sand Bed

    You all know me.....I got a new crazy idea.... If you take a 38 gallon tank and fill it with a 8 inch deep sand bed you have aprox~ 28 gallons of water left. The tank is 20 inches high, so that leaves 12 inches of water to swim in. I have revised my pony set to a "live" tank, instead of...
  8. rykna

    Merry Christmas from Rykna's Tank!!!

    Hi all! I apologize for my lengthy absence, the last months have been very overwhelming. This is one of my favorite Christmas movies, and the link has my favorite song from the Muppet Christmas Carol. Originally Posted by The Muppet Christmas Carol...
  9. rykna

    Fuzzy or Zebra?

    I keep glancing at my empty 45g corner tank and thinking it would look very nice with a Lion fish in it. Is there any difference between the fuzzy and the zebra for hardiness?
  10. rykna

    Dwarf Seahorse Tank Setup

    This is my #1 favorite set up for a pony tank: A 15g Sterile Tank Basic Set up Equipment: 15 gallon high tank 1 Compact Fluorescent Fixture 20inch/28watt Submersible heater (precise setting) Precise Thermometer(don't cheat like I do and use the stick on kind I cover mine to prevent burnt...
  11. rykna

    ******** Tank demesions

    I need the measurements of the glass canopy of my 15g high. ?x?x? anybody? Found it....7:23pm
  12. rykna

    What am I doing wrong?????

    I am trying to set up a 38g sump for my 15g DT. No matter what I do I cannot seem to get the water flow to equalize. I'm using flow regulators on each flow line. Here's my set up: I put the setup together earlier today. It ran fine for almost two hours, then the flow from the bottom became...
  13. rykna

    Fu Man Chu Lionfish

    What is the maximum adult size of this Lion?
  14. rykna

    Ponies V.S Horses

    Originally Posted by SueAndHerZoo I haven't bought anything yet so feel free to tell me why "ponies" should be my choice. Sue P.S. Maybe we should post a "poll" .... Horses V.S Sue Okay seahorse owners, which one is best for Sue to start with. Ponies(Dwarf Seahorses) Which IMHO are much...
  15. rykna

    Sealing a sump connection

    I purchased this over flow box~ I need to seal the bottom intake flow to the sump~ Should I purchase the aquarium sealant or~ could/can I use locktite super glue gel? I think the sealant would be better...input please
  16. rykna

    Submersible pump

    I need to replace the pump on my AquaClear 70. My submersible Fluval pump has the same gph as the aquaclear. The pump on the AquaClear is not submersible. Can I use a submersible pump with out submersing it?
  17. rykna

    Gasping Blue Damsel

    Need more ideas on what's going on~ My husband Brian's first tank, 15g, with 2 yellow tip damsels, has been running for a week. I used cycled LS from my tank and added LR too. I just came down 20 minutes ago and found one laying on the sand bed breathing hard. I tested all levels, everything is...
  18. rykna

    There's a Blue Moon out tonight!

    Miracles are rare, and I thank God for every on he has given me...but this miracle caught me way off guard, and I mean waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off.... Last night my husband, Brian, and I were talking. I brought up my salt hobby...again. Brian has never liked my fish hobby...didn't like to look at...
  19. rykna

    Blue Moon out TONIGHT!!!

    Miracles are rare, and I thank God for every on he has given me...but this miracle caught me way off guard, and I mean waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off.... Last night my husband, Brian, and I were talking. I brought up my salt hobby...again. Brian has never liked my fish hobby...didn't like to look at...
  20. rykna

    Fix cracked 45g tank

    I have a 45g I was going to use for my sump until I found a small crack in the bottom corner of the tank. Can it be fixed? Or should it be tossed? Here's my plan: I want to use 2 pieces of plexi glass, one on each side of the tank, and use locktite glue to seal over the crack.