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  1. rykna

    No signs of life

    Good grief....I've been waiting for 2 months now for pods and other clean up critters to show up in the sand bed of my 55g sump. NOTHING, nada....just 5 dominos. which have doubled in size in the last 3 weeks 1 tiny feather duster 1 narsisus snail and several different types of plants. Temp: 74...
  2. rykna

    How much is too much?

    Hi all. I helping my friend Beth set up her first saltwater tank. Since my experience lies mainly with reef tanks and seahorses, I need a refresher course about the max critters/fish can you put in a 29g. The tank is a week old.(Please note that I've kept saltwater for 8 years, I am aware of the...
  3. rykna

    How do you Battle Hydroids?

    Approximately two weeks ago I helped Beth set up a 29g tank. Three days ago Beth and I came home from the LFS. Beth purchased 10lbs LR and a big bunch of plants. The next day we found two aiptasia anemones, one button polyp, and several feather duster worms attached to the plants. Two days ago...
  4. rykna

    Veggie eating Fish

    Hi all, a friend of mine has just set up a 29g. She wants to have lots of plants, but does not want them to take over the tank. What kind of fish would you suggest?
  5. rykna

    New Member coming!!!

    I am on cloud nine!!!!! Two days ago my friend and next door neighbor, Beth, help me moved my 55 sump upstairs. Through out the moving process I apologized about any strange smells that might offend her in the tank and equipment. She said "No problem." After the tank was put back together, she...
  6. rykna

    Brittle Star loosing it's arms

    I have a green brittle star(gbs) in my 55 sump. ~60lbs cultured sand from storage( reseeded myself w/pods) ~135lbs boiled rock I got the gbs to start the cycling in the sump. I've been feeding him krill, mysis, and sinking shrimp pellets. The gbs did great for two weeks. Then I purchased two 3...
  7. rykna

    Green Death Star

    I got the green brittle for my 55 sump tank. I got a great video of "Vader" eating dinner:
  8. rykna

    turtle w/ fungus

    I realize that a painted turtle is not saltwater, however, I have become the new owner of a very neglected painted turtle. The little guy has some king of white fungal stuff, almost like ick, covering his toes, shell, etc. Would it be safe to use neosporin on him? R
  9. rykna

    New Beginnings Chap. 2

    New Beginnings Chap. 1 Chapter #2 Finally!!!!!!!!!!! The 55 has been up and running for about 2 weeks. So far levels have been all over the board. LS(cultured)= 40lbs DR= 75lbs 1 Green Brittle Death Star~ "Vader" 2 Domino Damsels (just...
  10. rykna

    Pony Tank Set Up~Bubbles02

    Hi Bubbles02, I would leave the firefish and the candycane goby in the Eclipse 12. Seahorses, especially ponies, need a species only tank. Due to a aiptasia disaster I boiled and bleached everything in the pony tank. From that point on I've set up my pony tanks with DS and DR that I add cultured...
  11. rykna

    Dedicated Starfish Tank

    Has anyone set up a Tank dedicated to starfish?
  12. rykna

    Parental Intervention

    How many times have you seen a parent shouting, threatening, screaming at their child or children. While the child screams back using profanity or threatening their parent. My guess is far too often.... This is the scene at our next door neighbors house. Enters Kevin, Beth's new husband. Beth's...
  13. rykna

    55g Sump critters

    I got a green brittle star to start the cycling of the 55g sump. Yes...the brittle star they refer to as "Green Death". I have wanted to have a species only tank for theis beautiful, but dangerous star. Here's a pic from online: I hoping to get some input on what else i could add to the tank...
  14. rykna

    Need Fish with an attitude

    I have a 55 sump tank simmering. I just put a green "death" brittle star in to help with the cycling. I've always wanted a species only tank for this beautiful, but vicious brittle star. Are there any fish that could share a tank with the green brittle and not end up on the lunch menu?
  15. rykna

    Seahorse Tank Flow

    I've been assembling my 55 sump tank for my pony tank...and I noticed something I'd never seen in my display tank. This was the first time I've seen my Ehiem pro2(EP2) in action from above, it was a very grim scene. The water,especially the surface, was absolutely stagnantI was using the same...
  16. rykna

    Stocking 55 Sump Tank

    I'm in the mist of stocking my 55 gallon sump tank that is for my pony tank. So far I have added 30lbs of dead crushed corals and 30lbs of stored LS. I have a ton of DR and DC, I plan to add live rubble, tons of pods, macro algae, ghost shrimp & peppermint shrimp(the larvae are a favorite dish...
  17. rykna

    Combining Species

    I'm pretty sure we had a thread somewhere about mixing seahorse species.....but what combos have/would you tried/try? H. abdominalis Pot Bellied Seahorse H. barbouri Barbour's Seahorse H. breviceps Short Snouted Seahorse H. comes Tiger Tail Seahorse H. erectus...
  18. rykna

    Over Flow~ Good?

    Just wanted some input on this unit Good..? Bad..? thanks, Rykna
  19. rykna

    New beginnings

    I can't stand it!!!!!My seahorse plotting has kicked in, I am tearing down my office area. My current plan is to build a seahorse/play area for aria and her friends, and a place where I can sit and enjoy my tank and be with Aria. My long term plan is to grow pods and other snacks until this next...
  20. rykna

    How to Remove Tank Sealant

    I am going to take a couple of 10 gallon tanks apart and rebuild them. What is the best way to remove the sealant?