Search results

  1. rykna

    PLEASE ID your SW experience

    Hi all Now I know we have all been here...does this sound familiar? "Help me, I want to start a (fill in the blank) ." "What do I do to keep....?" "How do I set up....?" "How much light for..." "Do I need a (fill in the blank) to keep a (fill in the blank) " And if anyone says they...
  2. rykna

    :( QT Tank Size?

    I have approximately 15-20 ponies and one 2 mth old seahorse. Over christmas I continued to try and identify my new 2mth old. It was sold to me as an Kelloggi, however, what I discovered is that Kelloggi are 98% wc, and any one selling them to you as TB is talking out of their anal fin. When I...
  3. rykna

    45 Horse and Pony Tank

    Third times the charm... Here's some pics of Aurora's new friend. The seahorse is sooooo tiny, hardly 2 inches. To give you an idea how small this new horse is, this tank I'm acclimating it in is 12x12x12 inches, hardly holds 1.5 gallons.
  4. rykna

    Shipping experiences with SWF

    I know what one of my new years resolutions will be. To get SWF to sell More types of Seahorses, including dwarf seahorses, pods, and other seahorse essentials. My last couple of purchases from other sources have been delayed and/or arrive on their death bed. Yet another order of a erectus has...
  5. rykna

    Seahorse Tank Set up, for Koi Lady

    Hi, I'm sorry it took so long for me get get this posted. This is the Ehiem Pro2 Canister Filter I use: This is the Aquaclear: This is the set up in the tank: Let me know if you need more input. Hope this helps Rykna
  6. rykna

    Princess Aurora

    One gift, beauty rare, Gold of sunshine in her hair, Lips that shame the red, red rose, She'll walk in springtime wherever she goes! One gift, the gift of song, Melody your whole life long! The nightingale her troubadour, Bringing his sweet serenade to her door. My goodness!!! I thought I had a...
  7. rykna


    Just a quick pic
  8. rykna

    Gill Fluke and Ich

    I was wondering if anyone had any pics of fish infected with gill flukes. I have spotted at extremely small speck of white on the back of Aurora's gill. It's smaller than the tip of a pin. Sometimes I think it's just an air bubble, but it is consistantly in the same place.
  9. rykna

    Horses and Ponies ~TOGETHER!!!

    I have been very concerned about my H. Erectus female, "Aurora", since her tank mate passed away. The male I purchased for her arrived in very bad shape, he didn't make it through the night. Aurora has been all alone in her 45 gallon tank. The 45 has mature LS in it from another tank, however...
  10. rykna

    What type of light Fixture

    What would be your prefered light fixture for a 15 gallon tank? A light that would cover all species of corals.
  11. rykna

    Aurora and Justice

    This is my little female Erectus, Aurora. I order her mate, Justice from Luke's store in Indianapolis. She's cleaning up breakfast here.
  12. rykna

    Stray Voltage

    In all the years of keeping fish I have never had stray voltage, until now After spending all afternoon yesterday setting up the 45 for the 2 girls, I was met by a horrific site in the horse tank this morning. Sasha was on the sand bed... looked dead, and my new little girl was floating at...
  13. rykna

    Kuda, Erectus, Kelloggi

    What are the main differances between these 3 horses?
  14. rykna

    Dress up your Fish for the Holidays!!!!

    Merry Christmas from: Titan
  15. rykna

    Heater in Sand Bed

    Can you/ would you bury a submersible heater in your sand bed?
  16. rykna

    Kuda and Erectus together???

    I've been searching around for a tank mate for Sasha since saphire LFS has Erectus, would they be okay together????
  17. rykna

    goodbye little horse

    I do not know why, but I lost Saphire last night. I think her tank mate Sasha knew something was wrong. Sasha stopped hitching with her, and basically steered clear of Saphire. I'm setting up my 45 corner tank for Sasha. I'll be getting her a new tank mate soon.
  18. rykna

    Fish have a Voice

    For many, many years scientists and animal behaviorists did not believe animals had feelings. Serveral years ago, these so called "geniuses" annouced:"Cat's and Dog's, and mammals DO have feelings just like us. Maybe in another 10 years or so these geniuses will suddenly anounce: Fish have...
  19. rykna

    Seahorse "Jingles"

    With dreams of seahorses dancing round my tank.... Christmas Songs Seahorse style (White Christmas) I'm dreaming of a seaaaaaaaahooorrrrrrrrsee....just like the pair I bought befooooorrrrrrrre..... (The First Noel) the firsssssst seeeeeeaahorse, I brought home, was a true delight beyond my...
  20. rykna

    Stocking Stuffers for Alaina!!!

    I mailed Alaina at least 12 ponies today. In exchange she's sending me some more mini stars The pics aren't very clear, I'm sure Alaina will post better ones asap!!