Search results

  1. rykna

    Seahorse Simplicity

    After so many problems I've decided to revamp all of my equipment. While I restock for future seahorses, I set up this little 5 gallon Littlest Pet Shop presents:
  2. rykna

    Webkinz Contest~Seahorse!!!

    Check out what I entered!!!! Please vote I apologize before hand if this is vetoed. ~Thanks Rykna
  3. rykna

    RUST-OLEUM Spray Paint

    I have several older tanks that I'd like to spruce up. Would RUST-OLEUM be safe for using on the tank trim? This spray paint is the kind you use on cars to seal up rust spots. It sticks to everything and seals when dry. The labeling on the can doesn't have any information about water exposure...
  4. rykna

    The Cause of Our Seahorses Dieing

    We have all been taking huge losses of seahorses. After going back to the basics we came up with these theories: 1.) Lack Of Oxygen 2.) PH fluctuations 3.) Salinity fluctuations When we set up or cycle our seahorse tank most guidelines follow this course: 1.)Add live sand Cycle for a month...
  5. rykna

    My H. Kelloggi

    The second seahorse saga begins. After much preparation yesterday I brought home a very tiny Kelloggi from my LFS. I'm guessing she's only 2-3 months old, she about 2.5 inches from snout to tail. She has this new 29 gallon all to herself, oh and 2 narissus, which happily helped clean up dinner...
  6. rykna

    Water test result cards

    Does anyone have a pic of the result cards for the water testing kits? I bought some new ones and guess what...NO COLOR CARD for results Thanks, Rykna
  7. rykna

    How deep is Your Sand Bed?

    I was re-landscaping my 29 gallon this evening and removed some LS. I removed one inch of LS;leaving the LS 3 inches deep. The two Nassarius snails didn't like my adjustments, however, they did enjoy the mysis buffet that I feed to them, while they were waiting in a small container for me to...
  8. rykna

    Water Testing Kit

    Which ONE???????? What does this package include? It said for more info look on test lab pages???
  9. rykna

    10g Rebuild

    I have several 10 gallon tanks. I want to take apart one and reassemble it so it is a 10 gallon high. What is the best way to reseal the tank? I was planning to use silicone or locktite. Should I glue the bottom of the tank to the new frame for more stability? thanks, Rykna
  10. rykna

    Tank Bred Catalina Goby

    I've wanted to purchased this fish since I first saw it, however, it prefers cool temps of 68 degrees. Now that they have TB, they are listed a 72 degrees. Any one come across this or can confirm this?
  11. rykna

    Corals and Seahorses

    I was just curious(don't want to be judgemental) to see/hear what types of coral, inverts, etc. have people kept with their horses.
  12. rykna

    5.5 Pony Tank

    Every one is settled into the 5.5. Equipment: Small Eheim Canister Small Submersible Heater Tank Contents: LS Bed Artificial Plants Live Chaeto Live Capulera 17 Ponies
  13. rykna

    What is it???

    I spotted this little critter just before i turned the tanks lights off...some type of shrimp?
  14. rykna

    EEEKKK!!! Dead Furnace!!

    BBBBrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....what I would give for my Mom and Dad's wood burning fire place right now. Our old furnance is on the blink..AGAIN. I finally got it lighted a few minutes ago. I have never seen a furnance set up like this. From what we can tell it looks like the former owners "jury...
  15. rykna

    Seahorses' Light Tolerance

    Does this make sense?~I posted this another another site an wanted your opinion regarding the light situation Brine and Submersible Lights: My Post: It's hard enough to make sure your horses get enough to eat, let alone your ponies. Since bbs(baby brine shrimp) are attracted to light, it...
  16. rykna

    Moving Tanks

    How bad is it to shuffle a full 29 gallon tank 10 feet across your wood floor in the living room? Carefully of course
  17. rykna

    Valuable Information

    Information which I have used, is posted on a website, that gives viewers free use of their information. I am not in any way committing plagarism or claiming that I have written this. I find SWF unwillingness to share other sites information very selfish and self defeating. ~I also know that as...
  18. rykna


    A vital discovery!!! Well at least for me. Panacur can be used in your DT, use with care of course. There is a list of tank occupants that will not survive the use on Panacur in the DT. However, it will destroy all the parasitic worms, aiptasia, and many other unwanted evil pests that lurk in...
  19. rykna

    29 w/ Horses&Ponies w/ live food

    Rykna the "Seahorse Mythbuster" is at it usual. Over the holidays I have been doing more research. There have been several things regarding the information of caring for Seahorses that do not make sense to me. I received several books for Christmas that had information that proves my...
  20. rykna

    What is a Hippocampus sp. ???

    I've seent his species for sale on varies sights, but have not been able to find a discription of the seahorse itself. It's also called the Black Seahorse, but so is the H. Kuda????? So what is Hippocampus sp.????