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  1. rykna

    Seahorse know more than you think

    Sharing an old memory of Valiant
  2. rykna

    So you want a Seahorse.....

    I am posting this for future seahorse owners. So many would love to invite these beautiful creatures into our homes and take the path less traveled. ~I had 5 years of sw experience under my flippers and thought I was ready for seahorses.... ~I've kept mainly reef tanks. Flaunting my experience...
  3. rykna

    Traveling Seahorses

    Happy Turkey Day!! People bring all sorts of pets with them when they go to their family's home for the holidays. I'm betting this is the first time someone brought seahorses! I failed to obtain a seahorse sitter and I was racking my brains for plan "B". Then it dawned on me. I've travel with...
  4. rykna

    Video of Baby Ponies

    These little ponies are approximately 2-4 days old. About 25 babies were born. After returning home from Lisa's I moved them into the 1.5 gallon I purchased to bring Sasha and Saphire home in.
  5. rykna

    Kuda Seahorse

    My Black Kuda, Valiant. ~Rykna
  6. rykna

    Ok...ready now...hopefully!!

  7. rykna

    Newborn Baby Ponies!!!

    I got home from work today and found at least 12 new baby ponies Keep in mind that the female here is barely an inch long!!!They're sooooooooooooo tiny!!!!!!
  8. rykna

    Post Picture Date List

    Can some one please give me the link to the pic date post list
  9. rykna

    Must See!!

    These pics are from Phillip Colla Natural History Photography
  10. rykna

    Flurtatious Fish!

    Found this online Seahorse Survey The fabled monogamy of the seahorse has been exposed as a myth by a survey at SEA LIFE centres in the UK and Germany. Not only are seahorses shameless flirts, the survey has revealed, they’re not too fussy about gender! The native British spiny seahorse...
  11. rykna

    Ponies Love the Ehiem

    After a lot of tinkering I got the Ehiem up and running. Every one came out and start swimming all over!
  12. rykna

    Dwarf Seahorse

    One of my Little Ladies
  13. rykna

    Reef Safe????

    I purchased some "Biomate"(real cheap on sale) Filter Boost Media Filled Balls. The Media includes: Carbon~ I know this is okay Foam ~ I know this is okay Ceramic~ ??? I failed to notice if they were reef safe...and it does not mention if it is on the box
  14. rykna

    Need Monitors' Help/Input

    I've been running into a lot of problems when posting online addresses to sites that provide information regarding questions our members ask. I understand and agree that posting sites that sell saltwater fish, products, etc. is not I've been running into a lot of problems when posting online...
  15. rykna


    In a 15 gallon tank what would the effects be if you used a canister filter that pumped 275 gph> That's cycling the 15, eighteen times per hour. Good? Bad?
  16. rykna

    Ready to Pop!!!!

    I thought this little guy was going to have babies right infront of me last night!!! He kept trembling and drifting from leaf to leaf...but no newborns yet
  17. rykna

    Out Of Food!!!!!!

    ARrrrrrrrrrrgh I ran out of my liquid food enhancer for my ponies I had powder back up, but I can't find it All I have is zooplex. Can I give the bbs a 20 minute soak in it for some nutritional value?
  18. rykna

    Check this out!!!!

    I sent a medium size box of gorgonian cork fingers to NyButterfly03. It arrive a little after noon today, however, the PO flaged it possible hazardous material!!!!
  19. rykna

    How Many Kinds of Tanks have you had?

    I was curious to see, what kind of tanks each of us have tried. What we kept in them, and which one we liked the most. For my tanks: Reef Tank: gonipora acapora zoos mushrooms percs tang mandrine tiger star urchins sponges crabs&snails shrimp LR LS Seahorse Tank: Kuda gorgonian fire goby snails...
  20. rykna

    Lover's Lane

    Titan is no longer a single man!!