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  1. harndog

    Cool pics I took this weekend

    check them out
  2. harndog

    post pics of nice colorful tanks.

    Bottom right is a colony of green stripe and green splash shrooms the 2nd pic is a finger leather I have had for about 8 months. He is huge
  3. harndog

    New home for a few cool fish

    GameDawg YGM let me know if for some reason it doeas not go through.
  4. harndog

    post pics of nice colorful tanks.

    here ya go
  5. harndog

    Lets see some 75gal reef tanks!!

    Actually I use a homemade skimmer. it did not work all that well with just the venturi hose So I added a limeblock and that works well.
  6. harndog

    Stupid Question???

    It really depends on the anemones. I have had an LTA for 6 to 8 months in my 75 reef he has grown and is doing very well MY GSM feeds him but othere than that the lighting was only 260 w pc half atinic and half 10,000k. So they can live in atinic lighting. That being said I just upgraded to...
  7. harndog

    My 90g Bowfront

    fishermon, About the shrooms and the zoos just make sure the shrooms are in low current they may close up on some cyclopeeze but not likley. They do fine with just lights and good water. As for the zoos I find it ammuzing to squirt some brine shrimp or mysis (frozen that I have thawed) into...
  8. harndog

    Describe/pics of your fish room

    175 in the living room, 75 in the bedroom as a footboard, and the 15 on the kids dresser the boys are 8 months and 2 years old both love the tanks. and a pic of them and our female bullie
  9. harndog

    Aqua Medic Ocean Light??? Is this a Good DEal??

    There is another online sight that has the same set up with 5 year warrenty on ballast and is top quality as I just bought the 2 150 w MH system and am very pleased. the same system you have listed here with legs for 674.99. Technically it is no competion for this site as they do not sale mh...
  10. harndog

    Leaving Lights On 24/7???

    Nope the best way is to try and mimic the natural sea/ocean it came from. all have close to the same amount of day and night and if you notice most all reefs are close to the equator or at least inbetween the tropics. all the way around the world. Thats why MH come into play you need 4 to 6...
  11. harndog

    Please answer this question

    I would just stay away from Tangs all together. They are stress prone. nobody wants to deal with a stressed out fish. As stated clowns are cool. Maybe a small angel. flame angel or something. You already have an eel so you will have to go with more agressive fish. Dwarf Lion would be...
  12. harndog

    Dwarf Lionfish

    I have also been considering a lion for my reef. It's good to know there has been some success with shrimp and crabs. Have any of you guys had any trouble getting them to eat at first????
  13. harndog

    6th week into cycle,

    go get the water tested by someone else I have that same kit and it has ben off by as much as 3 points on the ph. also ph will climb under lighting. Say in the moring if I check my tank it is 8.0 by late ofternoon it will be 8.3 or 8.4. You very well could be close to being finished. do a 10...
  14. harndog

    Breaking in metal halide bulbs

    Mine said once you turn them on do not turn them off for at least 4 hours. thats the only rules I had. seems to have worked fine
  15. harndog


    Dude this is the most you should have. yellow tang GS maroon clown yellow tailed damsel(will get rid of if too much bioload) sixline wrasse skip the angel and the royal gramma. Get rid of the damsel (good luck catching him) add the gramma until then get a sixline and hope for the best. you...
  16. harndog

    New home for a few cool fish

    I know this is not a good thing to follow but I do have a LFS with a 150 that has a zebra eel a sf eel a v lion a fuzzy dwarf lion, yello tang, clown trigger, HT, and a porcupine puffer. as well as some large black sea urchins and a big percula. I asked how the heck does the perc stay alive...
  17. harndog

    New home for a few cool fish

    The lion has to stay. The snowflake or some type of eel is next. then the tusk. A sailfin and a blue tang then the puffer. I plan to add the blue by itself then the sailfin then the lion then the eel those two could be swapped then the tusk then the puffer. The last two could be swapped...
  18. harndog

    New home for a few cool fish

    not real sure if i had to guess I would say 100 150lbs. It is about 12 big pieces. I have another 100 125 in my 75 reef and about 20 lbs in the sump of this 175. oh and about 15 lbs in my sons 15 gal nemo tank
  19. harndog

    pics please!

    how big is that tank with those fish in it AW2?
  20. harndog

    Shark question

    As you are right Cartman what happens when you bring that trigger or pupper home and they pluck the eyes out of your shark and you are left with an expensive fish that will die from starvation. Or on a brighter note you catch the fish before they do this you are still stuck with a fish that...