Search results

  1. harndog

    got my Halides

    Well decided to go ahead and order a 48" halide pc combo from the big auction site. did not get the Jebo though got some from the guy in Sac CA that has warrenty. So instead of my 260 CL PC combo on my 75 I will have 2 150 watt metal Halide 2 65 watt atinics and 2 36 watt 10,000 k PC. Should...
  2. harndog

    Post Those SHROOM Pix!!!

    Mimzy, I think they stretch upward to try and make more room for themselves. At least on my rocks they are so crowded they need to do that or they would be covering each other up. The singles I have that have detached and went to another rock lay flat. just my opinion. I like the way they...
  3. harndog

    Post Those SHROOM Pix!!!

    here are a few of mine from my 75
  4. harndog

    Some pics from the new guy

    thanks for tip will have to check it out. I have family down that way anyway and with holidays comming up good chance will be in that area.
  5. harndog

    Some pics from the new guy

    no i got most of my stuff in Owasso OKC is just to far from Skiatook. The christmass tree rock came from ultimate reefs in Tulsa. and a few mail order stuff mostly inverts. I will have to go check it out.
  6. harndog

    Some pics from the new guy

    Skiatook now use to live in Stroud
  7. harndog

    Some pics from the new guy

    and the last two
  8. harndog

    Some pics from the new guy

    a few more
  9. harndog

    Some pics from the new guy

    this is a 75 been up a year not real good with cam yet. still learning.
  10. harndog

    a few shots of my tank

    This is my big guy. not a boxer but red brindle lol. He is about 75 pounds and my girl is my avatar she is about 65. english Bulldogs
  11. harndog

    What to do with my new 175 bf

    If I want to set up reef this is my closest estimate of the money I need to spend. 72" 3x150W HQI MH + 4x96W PC + 4 LED Coralife Aqualight Pro Fixture * $859.99 500W Pro-Heat Heater 16.50" $47.95 Aquarium Systems Maxi-Jet Powerhead MP1200 $18.95 x 4 $75.00 Hydor Flo Rotating Water...
  12. harndog

    lets see those anenomes

    my bad he was responding to someone else. I agree that does look like a ric. maybe a little bleached????
  13. harndog

    lets see those anenomes

    Yeah he just woke up lol. He is an LTA I have had for about 8 months now he is about 8 to 10" when fully open up. The GSM went right to him they are the best of buds. I will try and get a beter pic up tomorrow.
  14. harndog

    Post Those SHROOM Pix!!!

    This is one of my green splash shrooms not a good pic will get some better ones. I have also green stripes and red as well as orange ric and green ric. Need to get some more pics on the pc. This shroom is in a colony of about 50 to 65 or so.
  15. harndog

    lets see those anenomes

    my GSM and his buddy early in the morning just waking up. the aptasia is now a goner Peppermint shrimp took care of him and his friends.
  16. harndog

    What to do with my new 175 bf

    I already have a 75 reef that I have mostly softies in it. It has been up for a year and doing good. I just got the 175 new and am going to be setting it up. I plan to do at least fowlr. I really want to keep a lot of the big fish that are not reef safe. triggers, puffers and maybe a lion...