Search results

  1. harndog

    I am frustrated

    Well mine is off and running. I have it outside att since I do not have an adapter to fit my kitchen sink but it's 78 here today so no biggie. I have already made the 12 gal of throw away with the di out and also made about 25 gal of ro/di water. I am getting about 5 gal every 2 hours. and...
  2. harndog

    Well my 75 reef is getting ready to get a face lift

    actually the red /brown stuff is this I think. Anthellia Polyp The guy selling this stuff has about 7 or 8 tanks up that he got when he bought out a LFS. He made it a restraunt and has taken good care of them just is not sure what things are.
  3. harndog

    Well my 75 reef is getting ready to get a face lift

    I bought a 150 today that has been up a long time. It has about 250 lbs of live rock with a lot of coral. It has about 300 polyps of zoos about 10 polyps of blue shrooms a rock about 1 foot long by 6 inches wide covered end to end in green star polyps. 6 branches of frogspawn. some of the...
  4. harndog

    Went shopping

    I will get you some Hot. this thing is nice. I went and gave him the money today. I am getting the 150 4 powerheads new magjet 1800 or 2400 he was not sure. acrylic sump about a 3" sandbed that has been up for a long time. He said 14 years but . Lighting is 3 MH with 4 vho's not sure on...
  5. harndog

    Sump Instructions

    I have the same sump for my new 175 just finsihed putting it in. I have two overflows. The ribbed hoses go into the bigger holes inside your overflows. You will have an adjustable pipe that you can move up and down with a screen on the end set at the highest level your tank will allow at the...
  6. harndog

    I am frustrated

    I just got my Kent Maxima today it says to take the third cartridge out and to run 10 to 12 gallons through it. I got the 60 gpd unit thats about 2.5 gallons an hour. However the instructions says it may not make this much until it has had about 100 to 150 gallons ran through it. at 50...
  7. harndog

    Cleaning dead coral?

    Now I am really mad at Carnival. We where suppose to go to cozumel two weks ago instead we went to progresso and veracruz. i really would have liked to find some dead coral to bring home. They told us the pier was destroyed during the hurricane. dang missed my chance. lol
  8. harndog

    What's in your refugium?

    Im Gonna Take The Turbos Out Though Cause All They Do Is Suck On The Glass And I Want Something To Stir Up The Sand Bed. Anybody Have Any Suggestions?? Possibly Want To Trade Something W/ Me?? I bought a sand sifting star for my 75 and he has lived up to his name he really stirs the sand bed up...
  9. harndog

    Non-invasive Aptasia Control

    Was going to say i bought 10 P shrimp on this site and even thought they are little guys they killed every aptasia in my tank in two days. Them dudes are awsome. Now I just feed them mysis, brine and cyclopezze. They are doing great
  10. harndog

    Advice on Lighting

    how tall is your 29 if it is 48 inches sounds like not very. then how tall is the canopy most legs for pc are 6 inches can't be much more than that. There are a ton of people incuding myself that keep 4x65w pc on 55 and 75 tanks and I have kept all softs and lps as well as a LTA for over 6...
  11. harndog

    U V Sterilizers?

    Denise do you run your UV all the time? I am setting up a 175 fowlr and bought a coralife uv sterlizer. also you said you run it in your sump? What do you use for a pump for it? thanks for your reply
  12. harndog

    Went shopping

    Well I will be getting it. Anyone on here intrested in a 150 glass with all the plumbing and pumps as well as a sump???? Most likley will try and get $500.00 out of this. No shipping must come to Tulsa
  13. harndog

    fish list for 175 bf fowlr

    I think you at least got most of my fav in there. I really like the trigger sucks that he will mess with the lion. I think I would also add to your list the Blue/Hippo tang. You are right about the adult size of these fish that is why i posted I was hoping you guys would help narrow it down a...
  14. harndog

    fish list for 175 bf fowlr

    yeah they may just go to the reef tank lol was thinking a school would be neat to have. Do you think the other fish would be ok ?????? If so this should be one neat tank. was also thinking about a brittle star will these fish mess with him?
  15. harndog

    yet another lighting query

    I would do a search and research the corals you buy. That being said most LPS should do ok in your system. I would not try any SPS corals or clams they will not grow. jmo Also research does not mean asking th LFS many times they know no more than you do and are just trying to move an item...
  16. harndog

    Went shopping

    well actually this is her idea. :cheer: don;t like the fact that on the reef tank she can't have some of the fish we wil be able to keep in the 175 so this is all on her. we went out to eat at this place in Tulsa last night and they have SW tanks all over the store. They have a 150 with about...
  17. harndog

    fish list for 175 bf fowlr

    Would this list be possible??? Maculosus AngelfishTank Raised Lyretail Anthias, Red, Male Lyretail Anthias, Orange, Female Panther Grouper Volitan Lionfish Arothron Dog Face Puffer Banana Wrasse Clown Triggerfish Blue Tang Yellow Tang Naso Tang 6 green chromis I am a little concerned due...
  18. harndog

    Lighting Needs for 95g FOWLR Tank

    They will make it look really nice with the atinics looks more like the real thing sorta like a scuba divers point of few. Also you can later add some shrooms and zoos the angel might pick at those though not sure. Go to the big auction site and look or Marine depot has the corallife 4x65 for...
  19. harndog

    coral online

    google search live aquaria. I bought from here and was very pleased. I ordered a toadstool some rics and some inverts cleaning crew all have done well. The toad stool has three heads on one rock. at first i was a little dissapointed but the they started opening up and I now have three good...
  20. harndog

    Went shopping

    I have to set up my 175 BF soon and decided to make it a FOWLR so bought some halide for my 75 reef and am putting the 260 pc on the 175 for the fish. Should make it nice and bright in there for fish maybe some shrooms to decorate it up a bit. Anyway this is my list of stuff ordered tonight to...