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  1. harndog

    What is this????

    I was thinking frogspawn but now I am leaning more towards some type of ric.
  2. harndog

    Lets see some 75gal reef tanks!!

    Pics of my 75 reef footboard. lol It is at the foot of my bed.
  3. harndog

    Some pics of the make over and of the new tanks

    Forgot to say yea on the corals and LR in the 175 bought a 150 that had been up for 14 years. The spot dragonett and the perc came with it.
  4. harndog

    Some pics of the make over and of the new tanks

    The tank above is a 75 reef I have had up for a little over a year just taking it real slow and adding a few things here and there. The big leather is a finger. Current lighting in 260 coralife PC. should be getting my 500 w mh/pc combo tommorrow or the next day. The 175 is just being set up...
  5. harndog

    Some pics of the make over and of the new tanks

    and last but not least the 15 gal set up for the kids nemo.
  6. harndog

    Some pics of the make over and of the new tanks

    new 175 up and running just need to cycle now.
  7. harndog

    Some pics of the make over and of the new tanks

    Spot my new mandarian
  8. harndog

    Some pics of the make over and of the new tanks

    After this weekend ( The Make Over)
  9. harndog

    Some pics of the make over and of the new tanks

    These are before this weekend
  10. harndog

    Lets do some zoos....

    These are probably the most colorful of all corals as far as mising colors in the same batch. I just put in about 300 plus in my 75 today will have pics soon. I love these keep them comming.
  11. harndog

    starting my 175 FOWLR

    I did I mixed the salt in yesterday with 4 maxijet 1200 running. The sump still needed to be filled. After putting in all of the LR the sump is now full the tank is up and running except skimmer. It is still cloudy but clearing now that I have it going through the sump. It appears I will...
  12. harndog

    Well my 75 reef is getting ready to get a face lift

    they are M/H I think my dad is going to set up the 150 now. They had three screw in type bulbs have not looked closley yet will be bring them home tomorrow. got all the and rocks home today. took 3 35 gal totes and 2, 5 gallon buckets. 75 looks crazy now. 175 still cloudy and no...
  13. harndog

    Am i unprepared for this HOBBY?

    I would try and keep him unless your LFS will give you a full refund. That is only if you can get the damsels out of there. He will be fine with shrimp and such. You can buy a uv sterlizer and solve your ich probs or you can try and qt him again and get some ich medicine. DO NOT PUT THE...
  14. harndog

    Am i unprepared for this HOBBY?

    yes if you can catch them thats a good plan the blue will be ok as long as he is small. you don't have much rock so he has some swiming room. Just don't add anything else for awhile. Also I have always been told to start with the peacful fish and go to the aggressive fish you want. good...
  15. harndog

    Am i unprepared for this HOBBY?

    The Tangs in a 55 with damsels is the biggest problem. The Tangs are nervous fish and need a lot of swimming room if they get harrassed from fish such as damsels and then also are ina small tank they will get ich( little white spots) This will kill them. They need at least a 75 and many will...
  16. harndog

    anyone have a Green Mandarin?

    yes they are. you would be best to set your tank up with lr make sure you have a ton of copods hard to do if you have any other fish. Your tank needs to be up and running for at least 6 months I would say more like a year. All they will eat is live food. Most of them anyway. good luck if...
  17. harndog


    Mine like a little mysis shrimp every now and then. but with no fish you would need something to get the ones they did not catch. shrimp would do it for you. buy a few pm shrimp
  18. harndog

    starting my 175 FOWLR

    Well I bought a 150 today that is a reef so I am going to use the Rock from it to set up my 175 all except that with coral those rocks will be going into my 75 reef. I am making new ro/di water for the 175. My qeustion is two fold. I plan to add a bucket of instant ocean and turn on the sump...
  19. harndog

    So whats wrong with large water changes?

    I am on the other side of this. In my 75 i get about 1 gallon of evaporation a day. I just add fresh top off water. This is in a sense 7 gallon water changes every week. that being said I have not changed more than 5 gallons at one time and only did that twice in the last year. Don't get me...
  20. harndog

    Sump Instructions

    I could not get a pic but did my best at making you a drawing. You can do it I figured it out on my own don't pay 200 dollars for this. some of the plumbing including the 1 ft 3/4 pvc and the t came from hardware store. i also put ball valve in between the glass plate and the ribbed hose so I...