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  1. harndog

    Mh and PC lighting BANG , THOMAS , MUDPLAYER Calling all Resources

    they are sending me a new atinic free of charge no shipping or anything. as they should great people.
  2. harndog

    Mh and PC lighting BANG , THOMAS , MUDPLAYER Calling all Resources

    I just got my mh from the same place and I must say they are top notch. Just as nice as the Coralife or orbit. I got two 150 double ended 10K and 4 65 w atinics and my tank has never been more alive. Shrooms spread out twice the size they did with just 4x65 pc all zoos open up everything...
  3. harndog

    A very unique hitchicker

    It does but not far. When I first got it he was on another piece of rock I pulled a little and it broke loose I then set him ontop of the rock it is on and it had this stringy stuff come out and has been attached in the same place but will move up and down and has flipped endo a time or two...
  4. harndog

    Lets see some 75gal reef tanks!!

    Jay on my 75 I have a wet dry hob with skimmer in it. I do use a few bio balls and a sponge on top of the wet dry to help clean out what the skimmer didn't get. Also have Emperror 400 no bio wheels change the filter every month. 3 " fine argonite sand bed 3 mj 1200 ph 2 with the rotaing water...
  5. harndog

    A very unique hitchicker

    Are they hard? It's really hard like a rock. don't seem to require anything more than light to live not sure how else he could eat. thanks for response though
  6. harndog

    A very unique hitchicker

    bump any ideas >??????
  7. harndog

    What is this????

    yeah the halides are amazing. They are just the double end 150 germans two of those and they make a huge difference in the tank amazing really
  8. harndog

    New home for a few cool fish

    So i take it tusk like zoos??? oh well they where on the rock looks good for now lol. I have no room for them in my reef tank and they are on a huge rock so no trading.
  9. harndog

    Coralline light requirements

    My coralline grew like crazy under 260w cl pc half atinic half 10,000k. then i replaced the bulbs and the brightness of the new bulbs seems to have bleached a little of it. and now I have MH but moved the 260 to my 175 new set up to try and get some growth in it. So the cheap coralife pc 2x65...
  10. harndog

    Coral Questions?

    Sounds right to me as well. I got a TS off of this site and got 3 on one rock. There is one that is doing really well and the other two have did what you are talking about a thin transparent skin came off of them. here they are today looking very good under new mh. going to have to frag two...
  11. harndog

    Clean up crew

    What if anything can you put in an agressive tank to help keep the tank clean. Fish like Lion, eel, HT, puffer
  12. harndog

    A very unique hitchicker

    This little guy has been in my tank for about 10 months. He moves around flips up on his side bends upward to the light. He was loose when i got him about the size of a dime then he stuck himself to the rock with a stringy substance He has been pretty much in the same place for awhile now...
  13. harndog

    anyone have any idea???

    would like to know the actual name of this sps??? It has been under just 2 VHO's for a little while (PO) I now have it under MH so hope it comes all the way back. It's the light green and the brown/tan stuff they have a few small green polyps on them.
  14. harndog

    Lets do some zoos....

  15. harndog

    Lets do some zoos....

    Ok here they are hope you like them. I still need more. lol
  16. harndog

    just a few pics of my Madrian

    My tank has been up for over a year and a lot of the rock I just added came from the tank she has been in for many years. As you can see she is fat. I just have to watch her and make sure she stays that way she was in a 135 and is now in my 75. Little smaller tank. I do have a lfs that sales...
  17. harndog

    New home for a few cool fish

    here is the fish list for this big boy. ( subject to change) Sailfin TangP Blue TangP Harlequin Tusk (Australia)SA Volitan LionfishSA Snowflake Eel SA Dog Face Puffer SA
  18. harndog

    New home for a few cool fish

    well this is my finished rock work for my fowlr 175. What do you think? Also a few hitchikers.
  19. harndog

    going from pc to mh

    before pics (yesterday)
  20. harndog

    going from pc to mh

    here are a few pics I did put a piece of plexi glass on top and put the mh on a homemade stand until they get me my legs in. The stand is about 10 " tall. Hope this will work these dudes are bright for sure makes the tank look so much better. IMO