Search results

  1. clarki

    Reef Safe Wrasses?

    Yellow wrasse is also reef safe..... and yea fairy wrasse are really colorful and safe...
  2. clarki

    Xenia overload

    I would be happy to take some off your hands!! If you want to sell me some email me at
  3. clarki

    false cycle?

    I had a 29 gal. up for about a year.. then I moved on nov. 1st and upgraded it to a 60 gal. so it has been up now for about 6 weeks in this new tank... I moved all the original water and didn't clean anything at the time of the move... I did go through a week of spikes but it had been stable...
  4. clarki

    false cycle?

    My tank was doing just fine and I decided it looked pretty grimey and cleaned it.... a little too much I'm afraid. I cleaned the overflow box inside and out.. including the tubes and then the protein skimmer and then I scraped the side of the tank all around and then I changed the bags of...
  5. clarki

    cleaner clam

    mine have just layed in the same position ever since I got them... they don't move at all that I have ever witnessed... I've never seen them open.. they're not really buried.. just lying there... I bought them from this site...
  6. clarki

    looking for cheato

    do I need to resend through paypal then with a direct debit ?
  7. clarki

    looking for cheato

    Awesome! Thank you!!
  8. clarki

    looking for cheato

    I would be willing to pay for some cheato if anyone has some to spare? you can email me at or reply to this message... Thank you!!
  9. clarki

    Anyone have any cheato to spare?

    I would be willing to pay someone for a baggy of cheato? Anyone have any to spare??
  10. clarki

    cleaner clam

    I have two cleaner clams in my tank and I would like to know how to tell if they're dead or alive? I've never seen either one do anything at all.... they just lie there...
  11. clarki

    In need of cheato

    Anyone have any cheato I could get from you? PLEASE???
  12. clarki

    A Xenia Question

    Originally Posted by Jmick I think your PH is a little low and I’d try to bump it to 8.2-8.4. I agree! My ph dropped a while back and I lost all my xenias.... it took me a while to figure out what the problem was and I ended up over compensating and losing a few other things..... if you can...
  13. clarki

    Calarpa taking over my tank! Help

    It's actually a good thing to have some of it.... it helps keep nitrates down. I have a ton of it too... I pick it out every so often and give a baggie of it to my lfs. (like pulling weeds from a garden) Add a tang..... I had a purple in mine for a while and I couldnt' get the stuff to...
  14. clarki

    Coral Advice

    There are so many different colors and shapes of mushrooms... and they're very easy. I'd start there.... Also zoos (again many different varieties to give lots of colors) yellow polyps are easy... Carnations are also pretty hardy and xenias do well if your perameters are staying stable...
  15. clarki

    ( CHEATO ) who was it??

    What is cheato?? Can someone explain for a newbie??
  16. clarki

    Advice on Lighting

    The tank is the size of a 55 but a little taller to hold the extra 5 gal. But I think you're right.. the canopy is about 6 to 8 inches (I'll have to measure it) So it would be like having it on legs.... Thanks! You made me feel better! haha! I really only plan to have mushrooms and polyps...
  17. clarki

    ( CHEATO ) who was it??

    What is cheato??
  18. clarki

    Advice on Lighting

    :notsure: I recently upgraded from a 29 gal. reef tank to a 60 gal. It was a great deal on a set up at my lfs. It came with a canopy and it's really nice looking... Of course I didn't want the lights that came with it... so I bought a 48" light with 6 65 watt fl. bulbs.. 2 blue and 4 10ks...
  19. clarki

    centipede looking things??

    They look like tiny arms of a brittle star almost.... they could be gray or light brown.. one looked kind of cloudy white to me.... So I don't have to worry about them at all? They just appeared there....
  20. clarki

    centipede looking things??

    My reef tank seems to be full of these little centipede looking creatures? They're white and when I move a rock I see them crawling around in the sand.... what are they? are they harmful? should I be worried about them? Any suggestions???