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  1. rroberts

    Lights quick working

    I have JBJ 12 gallon nano cube. My light system totally quit working on Thurs. I ordered a replacement hood (not bad only $75). I'm hoping it will be here tomorrow (monday). Have I done permenant damage to the mushrooms in my tank? Shrimp and 2 clowns seem to be ok.
  2. rroberts

    Aliens kidnapped my Coral Banded Shrimp...

    Trying looking in the back of the tank with filters. Same thing happened to both my clowns. They must have some how swam over the top and in to the back section. They were quite happy that I found them.
  3. rroberts

    Is a power head needed?

    I have a 12 gallon nano cube that has been running for about 9 months. I've noticed that some hair algae has started popping up. Do you think adding a power head would help at all? I added a lawn more blenny and he's just getting adjusted. Did water change and used tubing to suck a lot of the...
  4. rroberts

    Coral Banded Shrimp

    Originally Posted by trainfever The CBS will also kill other species of shrimp. Yeah that's what I was afraid of. I wanted a fire shrimp, but I'm quite happy with the CBS. He think's he is king of the "rock" in the tank. Thanks for all the advice!
  5. rroberts

    Coral Banded Shrimp

    Can I add another CBS to my 12 gallon nano tank? I have one who seems quite happy, but wanted another. Do you think one will kill the other?
  6. rroberts

    Lost power and tank crashed

    Well while out of town this weekend a circut breaker tripped and cut the power of to my tank. Lost a coral beauty and am trying to figure out if my anenome is dead. He still seems to have color, but he was just floating around on the bottom not secured with his foot any longer. :confused:
  7. rroberts

    How Do I Add Live Sand

    Does anyone know the best way to add sand to an established tank. I was thinking abot using a PVC pipe and pouring it down the pipe so that it wouldn't get scattered every where. Thanks for the help! :happyfish
  8. rroberts

    speaking of porous LR

    I was thinking about getting a SFE, but have an anenome which is on my sand bed. Do you think it work? I was just worried the SFE would run of the anenome and it get stuck or injured.
  9. rroberts

    Loud Skimmer

    Yeah, I moved it from the primer connection to the normal operating connection (they are side by side).
  10. rroberts

    Loud Skimmer

    I just bought a red sea protein skimmer (hang on) and it's very loud. It also sounds like it's sucking air from some where. Has anyone else had this problem?
  11. rroberts

    Like to trade coral for fish

    They are green polyps. They were re producing like crazy before I had to back off my lights. I'll get a picture this afternoon. The tank is 30 gallons. Is the Tang to big for that? It would just be him and a clarki clown.
  12. rroberts

    Like to trade coral for fish

    Hello all: I recently had to down grade my lighting package because of major algae problems. I have a set up Coral Polyps that I would like to trade for a Yellow Tang if possible. I'm in Atlanta. Thanks. :D :
  13. rroberts

    Fish and Live rock in Ga.

    Hair Trigger: How is the shrimp doing? I wanted to see if you wanted some other stuff. I upgraded my lighting and it crashed my tank. I'm also going to be moving pretty soon and I knew the stuff would go to a good home. I have 1 clow, 1 damsel, 1 lawnmower blenny 1 Carpet Anenome and 1) Rock...
  14. rroberts

    Can some one PLEASE help me get rid of this stuff

    This stuff has started covering my tank. I think it's cyano bacteria. Can some please tell me how to get rid of it! My nitrates are a little high, but I've been done 25% water changes to get them down. Bought a skimmer and have notice a lot of junk in the collection cup. :mad:
  15. rroberts

    OK I quit!!!

    I had a REALLY bad out break of red hair algae. My tank was covered it was killing of my anenome and some coral. BTW: This all happend after I upgraded to 96 watt PCs. I bought a protein skimmer yesterday and it is almost all gone by this morning. I think that has been my best investment! Hope...
  16. rroberts

    Is your lighting exposed?

    I just noticed I need to raise my lights due to "salt creep". Is it ok just to wipe the sale off the bulbs for now?
  17. rroberts

    Is your lighting exposed?

    I just upgraded my lighting to 96 watt power quad compact. The kit cam with just the bulb, ballast and reflector so the light is directly exposed to the water. Is this ok? My old retro right had a plastic cover that covered my PC's. Just curious.
  18. rroberts

    New light - Coral Suggestions?

    What I bought was a quad compact. It's really cool. It's got 4 - 18 inch bulbs. I just set it up today and it is _amazing_ the difference it made in my tank. I think my polyps said thanks a million!
  19. rroberts

    New light - Coral Suggestions?

    Hello all: I just upgraded from 32 watt PC to a Quad Compact 96 watt lighting system. Can anyone recommend some good corals to start with. Also can anyone recommend how to get rid of some of this red hair light algae that has been growing. Any critters that naturally eat the stuff? 30 Gallon...
  20. rroberts

    Selling 260watt Pc Lighting System..24"

    Are these still available?