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  1. vince

    yellow tang + invertebrates = ?

    I'm glad to hear that. Thank you for taking your time to read my post ;)
  2. vince

    help me stock my reef tank; please!

    Oh man, that is a bad news! :( at least he gets along with my damselfish.. lol. Thank you for the warning, I will try to watch the type of fish I introduce. He wouldn't eat the invertebrates would he?
  3. vince

    feeding of yellow tang

    two things, when you give them seaweed, do you guys ever have problems where they scatter the seaweed all over the tank and you have to pick up all the small pieces? if you feed them brine shrimps, do you just dump little amount in the water and let them float around? thanks again for taking...
  4. vince

    feeding of yellow tang

    Hi, I just wanted to know what all of you others feed your yellow tangs and also want to know what is good for my yellow tang. currently, I only feed my yellow tang lettuce and it also grazes on algae on the glass.
  5. vince

    yellow tang + invertebrates = ?

    My yellow tang has reached his adult size (at least he looks pretty big). Would he leave my invertebrates or clean up crew alone if I add them in? Can he/she go along with snails or shrimps? thank you for taking your time to read my post. ;)
  6. vince

    help me stock my reef tank; please!

    Hello, I currently have a 75 gallons tank which I want to turn it into a reef/fish tank. so far, I have one yellow tang and a damsel. can you guys give me ANY combination of fish I could put in? As in numbers, species, etc. thank you so much!
  7. vince

    brown patches on yellow tang

    Trey, thank you so much! you truly are a shark. ;) Thanks again all the others for also replying to my post!
  8. vince

    marine buffer

    can marine buffer raise the pH of freshwater as well? I am preparing freshwater bath for my yellow tang but I don't have any pH up kit left. so would marine buffer would make pH of freshwater 8.3 too?
  9. vince

    I bought a new pc set. , few questions !

    man you bursted my bubble :D will do. as soon as i save up on some cash. I also need to get a new hood if I am going to add on more lightings ; my current one is only for one strip of lighting.
  10. vince

    resorvoir + quarantine tank

    I understand now. Thank you for all the replies. ;)
  11. vince

    brown patches on yellow tang

    My LFS people aren't very nice, thats the bad thing. :( I figured it would be black ICH but I always thought that black ICH were small dots? Not patches? also, question on freshwater Dip, does this mean that my tang will not get black ich anymore for awhile? Or are the black ICH still...
  12. vince

    I bought a new pc set. , few questions !

    man. aren't i glad i spoke to you! Thanks for that information. I needed that :D I was all depressed and such but now I feel better. Thanks again, thank you so much. :)
  13. vince

    filter for quarantine tank

    thank you for the reply ;)
  14. vince

    brown patches on yellow tang

    When i woke up today, I saw brown patches on my yellow tang's body. It is reddish brown. What is wrong with my yellow tang? can anyone give me an explanation?
  15. vince

    resorvoir + quarantine tank

    I am under process of making my FO tank into a reef tank. what if I add de-chlornizer into the water? I don't buy fish very often so I was hoping that resorvoir and QT tank combination would go well. thank you again for all the wonderful replies ;)
  16. vince

    filter for quarantine tank

    Thank you for the reply mal, when we wash/replace the sponge and carbon; would the bacteria still be there? Or do we need to let the tank run for another week or so for bacteria to regrow? thanks again. ;)
  17. vince

    I bought a new pc set. , few questions !

    Ah... I'm very disappointed. The LFS people said this is the same system they use and will be good enough for most corals. :( NM reef, you mentioned that I should add more fixtures to it in the future; any recommendation to how much light I should add on to my system? Shoudl I buy another...
  18. vince

    resorvoir + quarantine tank

    I have a 29 gallon tank that I've been using as a resorvoir for my main aquarium. Every week or so, I would add in water, turn on filter, add salt, add buffer than let it go on for a week or so. Than when I do a water change, I would add thsoe water to the main tank and add new tap water to 29...
  19. vince

    filter for quarantine tank

    When I said external filters, I meant ... the ones with a simple sponge and a carbon bag on top of them. Do these filters do a biological filteration as well? Can they be still used for quarantining saltwater tank?
  20. vince

    I bought a new pc set. , few questions !

    First, I would like to say thank you to all those who helped me with topics that concerned lightings for my aquarium. Today, I bought a power compact set for $170 U.S. It contains two 65 watt smart-lite bulbs. My tank is 48 inches ( 75 gallons). I want to know if the bubls that came with the...