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  1. vince

    For those keeping anemones and clowns fish

    Thank you for the article Amphiprion, it helped me add more knowledge to my saltwater hobby. ;)
  2. vince

    price of PC lightings

    I... think the guy said 86. why? is 86 rare or something? sorry.. I might be mistaken. what's the difference between a hood and a retro kit? sorry about all these things, i am new at saltwater hobby and reef ;)
  3. vince

    price of PC lightings

    i found a store that sells them for $219 U.S. dollars. They give you double 86 watt lights. Does this sound like a good deal?
  4. vince

    bubbly water

    yes. are these bubbles bad? does this mean i have bad water? i dont use tap water during water changes
  5. vince

    bubbly water

    they don't stay suspended so I am guessing these are bubbles? I currently have an overflow box.
  6. vince

    bubbly water

    maybe particles wasn't the best word to describe them. The water is clear but when I turn my lights on, you can see that there are lots of bubbles(or something that is small and white). Like how you can see dust under lightings. you know?
  7. vince

    bubbly water

    When under lighting, you can clearly see that there are lots of white particles floating around the aquarium. I mean floating as in all over the place. Are these just bubbles and normal in salt water? Or does this mean my aquarium is not balanced? it is a 75 gallons and it has been running for...
  8. vince

    filter for quarantine tank

    ;) I'm very glad to hear that. Thank you so much for all the wonderful replies Amphiprion. :p
  9. vince

    price of PC lightings

    Thanks for the info guys, it's just that this one store gave me an outrageous price of 840 dollars. Thank you for the prices, I will purchase the lightings somewhere else. ;)
  10. vince

    Pecular clownfish

    Thanks alot again man. You must be a big clownfish fan? :D
  11. vince

    filter for quarantine tank

    Can I use the regular external filters that are commonly used in freshwater for a 29 gallon tank? I'm planning to make it into a quarantine tank. Currently, it's only a resorvoir for my water changes. Thanks again for all the helps ;)
  12. vince

    price of PC lightings

    Anyone live in U.S. and have purchased a PC set in sizes of 48 inches? I just want to compare the prices.
  13. vince

    reflectors added onto flourscent bulbs

    anyone? :eek:
  14. vince

    green algae

    :) I guess I went way overboard on the lighting. Thanks for the tips and information guys. I greatly apprecieate it. ;)
  15. vince

    Pecular clownfish

    Oh man! Thanks for the pictures Amphiprion!! This is so helpful. thank you so much Now come to look at it, mine looks like fake. But he is still small so I might not be able to tell. Can there be crossbreeds? as in can percular and Oscellaris pair up and be happy? thanks again for everything...
  16. vince

    green algae

    oh man, that sounds bad. Readings are all 0 but I usually put the lights on from 9am to 11pm or so. Basically when I wake up and when I go to sleep.
  17. vince

    Pecular clownfish

    wow. I sure hope that I can be as succesful as you. Thanks for the tip, I will try to get another percular as soon as possible! but about the fake species... is there a way I can tell if its fake or not? thanks again for your help! ;)
  18. vince

    green algae

    Green algae have developed on my walls and on my crushed corals. They look like algae but when I scrape them off or scoop them off of crushed corals, they are very long and slimy-like. Almost like.. sea weed. I left them alone right now but should I bother? Are these good algae or should I...
  19. vince

    Pecular clownfish

    Oh, I'm very glad to hear that now. Thanks. Do you think it would make him less nervous if I got another percular clown of his own size?
  20. vince

    Pecular clownfish

    :D Percula, percula.. lol. Thank you for the correction. I'm kindda disappointed to hear that the clonwns stay at one spot because I can rarely see him. I was hoping he would swim in all ranges of my aquarium. Thanks for the information, really helpful! ;)