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  1. saltlord

    Butteryfly's & Invert's

    I had one for about a month or two until i sold it because it was eating at my feather dusters and polyps. But never the corals.
  2. saltlord

    reef tank fish list. can you guys rate it?

    The damsels are riskey with other fish , but if you insist on keeping them , rearange the tank a little so there terretory is destroyed. It should lower there aggression and This works with alot of fish.
  3. saltlord

    strange sponge coral in my tank......HELP

    sounds like you have a sea whip , also called a sea rod. They are not harmful and are commonly found in shops. they require some food as they are not dependent on photosynthis. But thats just my two cents , i could be totaly wrong.
  4. saltlord


    There have ben no changes and the tank has ben stable. they are brown button polyps. I have no idea what has happened to them.on further inspection , there are some tiny white spots on some of the closed up ones.almost looks like ich , but on polyps.
  5. saltlord


    The tank is 34 gallon and the water levels all turned out fine , the lighting is a 55 watt retrofit for the eclipse3.
  6. saltlord

    Dragon wrasse with shrimp.

    Can I put a dragon wrasse with any sort of shrimp , like camle back or candycane?
  7. saltlord


    I have a rather large bunch of brown polyps thats not opened in a couple of weeks except for a few shoots , whats wrong? ive had them for about 6 months and until about 2 weeks they have looked great.
  8. saltlord

    Is it dead?

    It will be fine , but I had the same invert. and it moved around and disturbed everything around it so you might want to consider that.
  9. saltlord

    black cap gramma

    To me its sounds like its OK , but your tank might be a little crouded depending on how big the fish are , and how big they will get. If the fish are crowded , they will fight over there territory.
  10. saltlord

    Leather coral sick?

    sometimes leathers dont open up right away.Give it a little time.
  11. saltlord

    Wonderful World of Lion Fish

    Not to burst your bubble , but I know Lionfish can sting people , my friend (had) one and it stung him bad , hospital bad , therefore I would not reccomend.
  12. saltlord

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Weedy or leafy Sea Dragons!!!!!!!!

    I was once like you , intrested in buying one of those awesome creatures , then I found some , they started at 600$ , and you needed to duplicate there natural enviornment perfectly so I passed.
  13. saltlord

    Naked feather duster

    The same exact thing happened to me , my feahter duster came out of its tube and after a few weeks buit a new one and replaced its crown , if the water is good yours should do the same. dont worry to mutch.
  14. saltlord

    New inverts?

    Well,the goniapora is thriving and i've had it for about five months. About the lights , I cant upgrade because its the only retrofit for an Eclipse 3 system.
  15. saltlord

    New inverts?

    Leather coral,open brain coral,ghanapora, brown polyp's,tons of feather dusters and mushrooms.
  16. saltlord

    New inverts?

    what are some good peaceful inverts to put in an established 34 gallon with 55 watt retrofit lighting? thanks for your reply. :cool: