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  1. darthgoby

    Help me!

    There is a lot of debate about anemones in the fish world. Some people are able to keep them well and others have trouble. Here are some facts everyone can agree to: 1.) Clownfish do not need anemones to thrive. Clownfish can host in anything from a feather duster to a powerhead. 2.)...
  2. darthgoby

    Clownfish Recommendation

    Aren't Maroons really aggressive? I don't want something that is hiding the whole time but I also don't want a terror in the tank.
  3. darthgoby

    Help!! Red bubble algae outta control!

    The red bubble algae is the same as the red slime algae. It started in my tank as bubbles on a single rock, then bubbles on 3 rocks and then exploded all over the tank. Be grateful you have only the bubbles now. Here is what I would do. 1. I would get a really small powerhead and see if you...
  4. darthgoby

    Sally Lightfoot Crab Problem

    I have one and I haven't had any problems with it. I've had it since Christmas and he has molted twice. If you are trying to catch it, I do have a suggestion. Mine really likes freeze dried krill. I will sometimes put a piece of krill in on a stick and feed it to him. I will also put some...
  5. darthgoby

    Help!! Red bubble algae outta control!

    I've been dealing with bubble algae for the past two months and there is a lot of improvement lately in my tank. I tried a bunch of things and here is what seemed to make the difference: 1.) Going from weekly to bi-weekly water to weekly water changes seems to help a lot. 2.) Cut down on feeding...
  6. darthgoby

    Clownfish Recommendation

    I'm thinking about adding a clownfish to my tank and would like some recommendations. I have a mini-puffer, a yellow tang, and a couple of chromis in a 55 gallon tank. I'm looking for something a little different from the Oscellaris and Percula clownfish. I was looking at either the Clarkiis...
  7. darthgoby

    Frustrated at LFS

    I live in California and about half of the *****'s around me do not have saltwater fish. I wish all of them would do it.
  8. darthgoby

    LFS Recommendation

    I bought my tank from the Pacific Reef in Anaheim since it was on my way home from a work meeting. They were good guys but a little far to go to pick up a fish or 2 on the weekend.
  9. darthgoby

    fish keep dying

    I had the same thing happen to me for a while and I ended up doing a variety of things to take care of it. The first thing I did was learn how to pick fish. I think that in a lot of cases, the fish dying in the near term has to do with how there were collected and treated in the store. I used...
  10. darthgoby

    LFS Recommendation

    Hi, I live in sunny SOuthern California (Riverside County) and was wondering if anyone could recommend a good live fish store down here. I would like to find a store that takes care of their livestock and has a good selection. I haven't found one yet that quite does that. Thanks in advance
  11. darthgoby

    Frustrated at LFS

    I almost punched out a guy at ***** when I tried to buy a small tank for a short term hospital/quarantine tank. He started lecturing me about the fish size and claimed he had never heard of people having a separate tank to quarantine or treat their sick fish. I just went down the street to...