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  1. darthgoby

    my first loss......

    I would add to the list ...Find new fish store
  2. darthgoby

    my first loss......

    I don't know why your bannerfish in particular died except that it isn't a good idea to add all those fish at once. Even though your tank is cycled, you need to add the fish gradually so your various filters (including your bacteria and other biological filters in your live rock) can grow in...
  3. darthgoby

    Red Bubble Algae Removal

    There is little evidence that anything will eat bubble algae. Emerald crabs are often said to eat. When I got an outbreak, I got 4 emerald crabs to help control it in my aquarium. Guess what... Mine eat everything but bubble algae. I swear that one of them has some of it growing on his legs.
  4. darthgoby

    Need help creating a siphon with a drip

    One easy way to do a drip is to get one of the drip kits that they sell for acclimating fish. I got one online for $3-4 bucks. I has a valve which you can open or close to control the drip frequency.
  5. darthgoby

    Coral Beauty Angels

    I feed mine a bunch of different things. Some of the things I feed him include: 1.) Frozen mysis shrimp- I highly recommend this as a food source. My coral beauty really like them. 2.) Seaweed sheets with a veggie clip- My Coral Beauty shares this with my tang 3.) Algae flakes- I have some...
  6. darthgoby

    Fairy Wrasse

    55 gallon tank with about 60 pounds live rock. The current tank mates are a blue spotted puffer (3 inches long), a yellow tang (3 inches long), and a coral beauty angelfish (2 inches long). Plus some miscellaneous inverts like a pencil urchin, emerald crabs, peppermint shrimp, snails, and...
  7. darthgoby

    Fairy Wrasse

    I'm looking to add another fish to my tank and was looking at a fairy wrasse. Anyone have one or have kept one before?
  8. darthgoby

    A Birthday Surprise Quandary!

    When you go looking for complete aquariums, there are options besides the kits. I would not recommend going with a smaller aquarium. Most of the fish stores that I go to have some kind of package deal put together already (even *****). They usually throw in the tank, stand, cover, light, and a...
  9. darthgoby

    HOB Refugium pump question

    I'm sorry I don't have an answer either. Is that the HOB refugium they sell on ----?
  10. darthgoby

    55 stock/equipment list

    I'm sure the Percula will be fine. I had some Oscellaris clowns but they did not survive the Great Ich Outbreak of 2007. One word of caution on Tobies. Some people (not me) have had problem keeping them with certain inverts. My LFS lady swore that he would eat my hermits, snails, conch, and...
  11. darthgoby

    55 stock/equipment list

    I also have a 55 gallon tank. Let me comment on your fish and invert list: fish -Toby Puffer (have one, great fish) -midas blenny (good choice) -pair of GSMs (can be kind of aggressive for clowns) -longnose hawkfish (want one, not bad choice) -randalli goby/randalli pistol shrimp (hawkfish might...
  12. darthgoby

    Sally lightfoot crabs and Cleaner Shrimp

    I have a sally, 4 emeralds, and 5 peppermint shrimp. They get along really well so far.
  13. darthgoby

    Live Sand & Live Rock?

    Regardless of whether you use tap water or RO (I would strongly suggest RO), here is the order I would go in: 1.) Mix the water and the salt mix. You need to get in the habit of mixing the salt water before you use it and you might as well do so now 2.) Add the water to the tank. 3.) Add the...
  14. darthgoby

    Fish food.

    Most fish stores stock a variety of frozen foods, one of them being mysis shrimp. They are apparently larger and more nutritious than brine shrimp. Frozen mysis is one of the staples I feed my tank. You can also get live mysis shrimp from a couple of places that I've found but I don't know of...
  15. darthgoby

    Blue Green Chromis

    I have 4 chromis and have to say that there is at least 1 of them which is aggressive. He picks on my coral beauty and fights with the other chromis.
  16. darthgoby

    Thinking of adding some LR

    I bought mine from a store and didn't need to cure it. If you can't find a store around you, not all is lost. Keep in mind that you don't need a tank to cure it. I've seen people do it in a rubbermaid container. With a heater and a powerhead, it will work just as well as a tank.
  17. darthgoby

    Is this stock list possible?

    Here's my take on your list: 1 mis bar false perc. (about 3 months now)- Good choice 5 snails (2 months )- Could use more. Should get several types 5 hermits (2 months)- Could use a lot more 1 Anemone ( Not sure which is best)- If you need one, bubble tip is best 1 Royal Gramma- Didn't have the...
  18. darthgoby

    Feeding hard-shelled to Valentini

    I have a blue spotted puffer and have fed him a variety of things. My wife calls him "Puffie" so I will as well. 1.) Clam- You have 2 choices on the clams. My LFS sells frozen clams on the halfshell which are pretty small (about as big around as a quarter or so). I bought a bag of those. I...
  19. darthgoby

    Help me!

    If you don't, I'd like to go back a bit and give you some general information. There are a couple of stickies in the New Hobbyist thread which gives you some general information about tanks and goes into more detail that I will. You can also get one of the various books. One of the ones I got...
  20. darthgoby

    How long do you drip acclimate your fish???

    I did one yesterday and let it drip for about 2 hours. I ended up with a gallon or two out of my tank. I did it at the same time I did a water change so I took another 3-4 gallons out at the same time for my weekly 10% water change. I don't know about the others but I invested in a drip kit. I...