Search results

  1. sinister52

    ro units

    do all ro units give waste water. and if so what do u do with the waste water. i just do see losing water that could be a lot of money to lose
  2. sinister52


    anyone use this kinda skimmer BERMUDA PROTEIN SKIMMERS if so how do they work i was thinking of changing my super skimmer to that one
  3. sinister52

    looking for tanks

  4. sinister52

    refugiums questions

    is that a 30 or 40 long?
  5. sinister52

    refugiums questions

    i didnt know u could run that with out somekinda filter material. does the filter material like the bags increase nitrate levels? i have the bags in mine which i have to clean like every four days. and i switch them with a new set after i clean it 4 times then i put them in my washer...
  6. sinister52

    looking for tanks

  7. sinister52

    Macro Algae sale/trade

    hmmm i didnt get that email can u send it again
  8. sinister52

    Need a few pouns of LS in Allentown, PA area

    hey nice to see another person from the allentown area. sorry i dont have any sand but u could get live sand from northampton u can get as much as you want.
  9. sinister52

    refugiums questions

    nice ref u have there where is the filter matieral. or dont u use any? do u just use the skimmer and thats it?
  10. sinister52

    Macro Algae sale/trade

    im intrested also u can email at how much are u looking for a bag?
  11. sinister52

    looking for tanks

    anyone in the allentown pa area have any 20 30 or 40 long tanks laying around that they dont need?
  12. sinister52

    For Sale N.e.p.a.

    pm ya
  13. sinister52

    water changing

    if there are dead fish and i cant see them should i be taken rocks down to find them?
  14. sinister52

    water changing

    oh i will do that water change. i am missing some fish that i cant find in the tank. i would have to take out lots of rock to go digging for them
  15. sinister52

    water changing

    somewhere over 80 the kit went red this time
  16. sinister52

    water changing

    i would say around 40%
  17. sinister52

    water changing

    cool i can do another tomorrow already
  18. sinister52

    water changing

    i have a 210 gallon tank and the nitrates are getting high. i just added a buch of algea in the sump and to new pumps over the weekend. and i just did a big water change. the question is how long should i wait to do another big water change?
  19. sinister52

    seio pumps

    i just got 2 2600 today which would be the better way to set it up ? i have to hang it on the tank. but should i use the cover or set it up with the round parts out?
  20. sinister52

    asm g-1x skimmer reduced again

    how tall is that skimmer?