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  1. sinister52

    Nitrate Problems

    what kinda clams are these are they the same as cleaner clams ? are they grey looking from the store
  2. sinister52

    Nitrate Problems

    i might as well run it i already have it up and running
  3. sinister52

    Nitrate Problems

    you mean clams that you boil to eat? do the clams stay closed it not my morrish idol will eat them
  4. sinister52

    Nitrate Problems

    cool thats what ill look into then. what 4 little clams what is that about? that skimmer is only 50 bucks more anyway. might as well get it i can still run my sea cylcone also yet right?
  5. sinister52

    Nitrate Problems

    is that worth the 150 bucks?
  6. sinister52

    Nitrate Problems

    what abut the super skimmer from coral life?
  7. sinister52

    Nitrate Problems

    which skimmer is a waste the prism or the sea cylcone?
  8. sinister52

    Nitrate Problems

    the nitares are around 20 or so
  9. sinister52

    Nitrate Problems

    i use my tap water filter i got that filters everything out of the water i did test the water from that point and no nitrates at all. i was think on adding another skimmer to it the prizm deluex. is that one worth 99 dollars?
  10. sinister52

    Nitrate Problems

    yeah it seams that way what about the nitrate lock they make?
  11. sinister52

    is this a problem?

    lets see i have a bunch of live rock a clow a2 tangs 2 damsels and a morrish idol. asl i have to cleaner shirmps. ;eather coral and a frogstool. i have 3 fluval 404 on this tank a sea cylcon skimmer and a coral base. i feed about three times a day and i do clean the coral bed when i...
  12. sinister52

    Nitrate Problems

    i have chempure and nitrate sponge and still the nitrates are high. i do water changes ever week and still nothing changes i just started to try this product called nitrex says it will have the nitrates down in hours so far no change
  13. sinister52

    is this a problem?

    its a 90 gallon tank
  14. sinister52

    is this a problem?

    yeah its only about 4 months old. im still trying to get my nitrates down under 20. i have nitrate sponge but that dont seam to be helping to much with it. how are they good for the tank?
  15. sinister52

    is this a problem?

    i have some small looking things crawling on my tanks glass they are white looking and small. they kinda look like spiders. any idea what they are?
  16. sinister52

    is this a disease?

    i have little white looking things on my tanks glass that look like small spiders? they are really small. can anyone tell me what they maybe?
  17. sinister52

    morrish idol

    also are you just taking vitamin a [hr] and crushing them? and do the petstores sell selcon?
  18. sinister52

    morrish idol

    well lets see so far he has eatin sponge that i have that is red, clams, green sea veges and some scalps. ill have to check out that banana thing and get some vit a and see where and how i can make that banana mix and see how that goes. maybe so live seaweed also?
  19. sinister52

    morrish idol

    ill have to try also that banana idea
  20. sinister52

    morrish idol

    thanks for the info guys i do have a red sponge in my tank which he has been picking at. also he has been eating at my sea veges the green one.