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  1. sinister52

    waterflow queston

    i got 2 seio pumps today i hope this helps with the flow. both pumps are pushin 2000 or so and my sump is 1700. that should be enough?
  2. sinister52

    seio pumps

    has anyone had any bad luck or anything i should know about these pumps i was thinking of getting 2 of the 2600 models
  3. sinister52

    waterflow queston

    hey kpk can i email ya on this?
  4. sinister52

    waterflow queston

    really i can get to seios for about 140. hmmmm then i would have to do the moding also. i need a fast dicision here.
  5. sinister52

    Red Sea Wavemaster and 3 "stream" modded maxijets for sale

    if u still have the whole setup still i am intrested
  6. sinister52

    Diatom Filters

    i have ones of those it works great u just cant really run it forever. but in like 4 to 6 hours the water is really clear looking.
  7. sinister52

    waterflow queston

    ok i guess then powerheads is the cheaper way to go. 2 seio 2600 should be ok i guess. also how would i put a closed loop on. take one of my overflow tubes off the bottom and runn them to another sump and then back up?
  8. sinister52

    waterflow queston

  9. sinister52

    salt mixes

    any reason why you should use oceaniac salt? what do u guys use
  10. sinister52

    waterflow queston

    maxi mods what are thos what about seio 2600? 2 of them maybe?
  11. sinister52

    waterflow queston

    could i just get a bigger pump and run 2in pvc instead of putting more power heads in?
  12. sinister52

    waterflow queston

    ops i mean 4000 gph
  13. sinister52

    waterflow queston

    i should be above 400gph? i take it the sea swirls would do nothing for that?
  14. sinister52

    waterflow queston

    no one has any ideas on this?
  15. sinister52

    waterflow queston

  16. sinister52

    waterflow queston

    its a blue line aqua pump 70 and it pushes 1750 gph and its right under the tank so its only pushing up about 3 or so feet
  17. sinister52

    VENTING over ***** !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hey beerkegman theres a better place near allentown to get saltwater fish from
  18. sinister52

    waterflow queston

    hey all i have a 210 gallon tank and a sump that pumps up into the tank i have it plumbed so that it flows into the the tank at 4 diffrent spots for current and good flow. would it be better to put sea swirls on the 4 spots coming into the tank. for move movement or jsut leave it as is...
  19. sinister52

    Live Rock vs. bio balls

    live rock helps get rid of nitrates in the sump? i have a berlind style sump for a 210 tank. my sump has to filter bags then the middle and then through a filter sponge to the outlet to the pump. in the middle i have been trying to use algea which always seams to die away.. i have no...
  20. sinister52


    what does cheato look like?