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  1. tang_fame

    Some shots of my 225 show tank

    Originally Posted by maxalmon I see that you have several triggers, do they leave your inverts alone? They don't bother my inverts at all. I have cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, and a purple lobster for several years without issue. I even have a snowflake eel and extra large Brittle start and...
  2. tang_fame

    Some shots of my 225 show tank

    Originally Posted by jamey73 love your tank thanks for the feedback.
  3. tang_fame

    Some shots of my 225 show tank

    Originally Posted by TriGa22 Nice tank. Any recent pictures? Nothing new, I'm starting to sell of my fish as I prepare to sell my home. I'll probably move to an in wall system in my new place when its finished next year. I'm hoping to sell this system as is with the house or maybe...
  4. tang_fame

    Some shots of my 225 show tank

    Originally Posted by psu Awesome tank! Impressive fish list. I'm thinking of upgrading to either 225 or 265. What are your dimensions? The tank is 72Lx24Wx30D. The sides are half inch acrylic with a extra wide acrylic center overflow (the wider overflow helps with routing the thick power...
  5. tang_fame

    Some shots of my 225 show tank

    Originally Posted by regina13 Do your sohal and niger get along??? They get along just fine
  6. tang_fame

    reef safe triggers

    Originally Posted by anamilasti is there any reef safe triggers that wont bother shrimp, crabs or corals? and what about a blue ribbon eel? I have 3 (bluethroat, pinktail, niger) in a 225 with shrimp, purple lobster and corals. They are all behaving well so far. They seem to ignore the shrimp...
  7. tang_fame

    cleaned the back of my tanks glass

    Here are a few shots of mine with just Atinics
  8. tang_fame

    show off your meat corals

    Here's mind
  9. tang_fame

    Speckled Gobies!!

    Here's mine (not a great shot)
  10. tang_fame

    Some shots of my 225 show tank

    Originally Posted by strager Awesome tank. How long you set it up? Its been over a year and a half...lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ , pain, sweat, tears and lessons learned :notsure: . Now that I have it pretty practically runs itself and I can sit back and enjoy! :happyfish
  11. tang_fame

    Some shots of my 225 show tank

    They all get along fairly well. I have plenty of hiding spaces and open swimming space. The shoal will chase sometimes (oddly mostly chased my lawnmower benny) but no major harm. I've only had to remove my power blue as the Sohal would chase and attack him constantly. I have him in my QT and...
  12. tang_fame

    Some shots of my 225 show tank

    and more...stop me I'm out of control
  13. tang_fame

    Some shots of my 225 show tank

    Thanks for the compliment. My Fish list includes (I'm done with buying fish for now and my focus will be corals) are some more shots Tangs: Vlamingi Yellow x 3 Sohal Purple Naso Blue (Hippo) Scopas Triggers: Niger Trigger Bluethroat Trigger Pinktail Misc: Rabbitfish x 2 Mandarin...
  14. tang_fame

    Some shots of my 225 show tank

    and some more
  15. tang_fame

    Some shots of my 225 show tank

    Some random Sunday afternoon shots before water change.
  16. tang_fame

    Show me some Triggers

    I'll get started. I have a Pink Tail, Niger and Bluethroat. Need to grab some better shots.
  17. tang_fame

    some random tank shots from the camera phone

    Originally Posted by JayC Awesome pics, especially from a camera phone. Can you post a full tank shot? -Josh full shot of the tank attached.
  18. tang_fame

    some random tank shots from the camera phone

    Thanks for the compliments. Its a 225 72Lx24Wx30D acrylic with 12inch canopy, custom stand and center overflow. I have 3x400W MH 14K with 6x65 Acintics. Cost a ton of $$$ but I'm hooked on the hobby. I was using my Moto RAZR to take those shots. Not home right now but I'll try to post some...
  19. tang_fame

    some random tank shots from the camera phone

    Took a few shots after adding my new niger, pinktail and bluethroat triggers. Love the triggers :jumping: