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  1. cody57

    hippo tang's flesh being eaten by parasites?

    i already bought some proper ph 8.2. if that doesnt do the job, i'll look into the reef builder. thanks.
  2. cody57

    hippo tang's flesh being eaten by parasites?

    checked the packets on test kit, expired over a year ago. bought a new one and nitrates test at 20 . added some ph balance and ph up to 8.0, will re-check and adjust if needed.
  3. cody57

    hippo tang's flesh being eaten by parasites?

    thanks sepulation!! will keep up the water changes, hopefully hippo will recover. i notice from your bio, you own a misic store, do know if sacd's and dvd-audio discs will increase in avail. titles? i have a great marantz 9500 sacd/dvd-a player, but i have about all the titles i like and it...
  4. cody57

    hippo tang's flesh being eaten by parasites?

    i have what ever snails and crabs that are left from huma huma dining at red lobster and a Deep Sea Yellow Gorgonian
  5. cody57

    hippo tang's flesh being eaten by parasites?

    i feed them krill, silver sides, plankton, squid, formula two(frozen cubes) and formula one and two marine pellets. i've been putting selcon concentrated vitamins on their food. i'm going to pet shop tommorrow for medicine and food, any food suggestions? i'll do another water change this...
  6. cody57

    hippo tang's flesh being eaten by parasites?

    i'm using a fastest by seatest. it says to fill w/water up to line. nowhere in the instuctions or on the vial does it show a line. if your familiar w/this type of kit, i fill to the top where water chamber is equal to top of indicator chart. is this the correct level?
  7. cody57

    hippo tang's flesh being eaten by parasites?

    i just performed a water quality test. salt= 1.020 amonia= 0.0 ph= 7.8 nitrite= 0.0 nitrate= 100 (wow) temp= aprox. 77 (power heads keep blowing thermometer off suction cup. ambient temp in room is 75, so w/lighting, water temp may be around 77) i did some major remodelling in this room...
  8. cody57

    hippo tang's flesh being eaten by parasites?

    my hippo tang's flesh is being eaten by(my guess) parasites. her color is almost gone and there are a number of spots where her flesh has big holes in it. she's still very active and eats like a pig. my lfs recommended myacine 2. tried that, but no help. they didnt seen to have a very...
  9. cody57

    looking to add some color to tank

    thanks for the posts, but with the above mentioned fish already in the tank for almost 2 years, i think my fish addin' days are over for a while. i was looking at some corals, but i'm new to them, so i need to do some research as to if the corals and my fish will live together happily and how...
  10. cody57

    how do you 'plant' shaver brushes??

    i'm new to salt plants and such. how do i plant the brushes? can i hold the stem and plant like other plants? mushroom and leather corals... do you just lay them on surface? any precautions??? are corals harmful to other fish?
  11. cody57

    shaving brush

    i was just shopping at this site and discovered leather and mushroom corals. they said they were east care level and medium light. would these cause any harm to my fish?
  12. cody57

    shaving brush

    thanks mr.fishnerd!! now here comes "mr. need to know more" are there any other plants that would do well in my "ocean wannabe"?
  13. cody57

    shaving brush

    thanks. would the plant have enough time to re-grow or not a good idea with this guy?
  14. cody57

    shaving brush

    would a huma huma or hippo tang eat shaving brush plants?
  15. cody57

    looking to add some color to tank

    looking to add some color to my salt tank. i have a 120 gal tank. a volitan lion, huma huma, hippo tang and gold stripe clown. fish have been together in tank for almost 2 years. have alot of coral algae on live rock, but with nothing else, tank looks kind of grey. my lighting isnt real...
  16. cody57

    what could i keep in a 6 gal salt tank?

    reefnut. my 120gal doesnt have the lighting to support corals. so i may go w/what the lfs guy recommended. 2 percs a couple snails a crab and a cleaner shrimp. thats enough life to make it interesting, but hopefully not overload the tank. i still may trade my lr from the 6 gal with a couple...
  17. cody57

    what could i keep in a 6 gal salt tank?

    sandman12, is that a yellow watchman goby?
  18. cody57

    what could i keep in a 6 gal salt tank?

    reefnut!! that looks fantastic!!! could you give me more info on your lighting? i bought a peice of lr thats bigger than yours, but i could always put it in my big tank. what kind of lr is that you have? it looks great!! i also put about 15 lbs of pink coral ls in.
  19. cody57

    what could i keep in a 6 gal salt tank?

    i have a 6 or 6 1/2 gal. eclipse tank that has been running about three months with a small power filter that has a small bio wheel and a small power head.tank has nothing in it. i was considering buying 20 lbs of live sand and a sm. live rock for it. is it too small for a reef tank w/one...
  20. cody57

    filter replacement question

    yes, i tried a number of times. fisrt it would only do it when the water lvl was down due to evap., i'd add water and bubbles stopped(water level in wet/dry would cover pump). another time i saw a big bubble in the intake tube, removed the bubble, fine. the water level is fine, no bubble in...