Search results

  1. jerrybsal

    Curing live rock

    I have about 65 Lbs. of live rock I bought at LFS 8 days ago. The sales guy said the rock had been received the prior day and that it was not cured yet.I have had it in a tub with powerhead and I tested the water tonight. Ammonia and Nitrite are 0 and trates are 10.Is it possible that it could...
  2. jerrybsal

    Glass top????

    I know this is an old topic but if I remove the front panels of my glass top cause any damage to my PC and NO lights.They are attached to my canopy about 6" above the water.The back of the canopy is open so I only want to remove the front panels so that my fish will not fly out.I live in Arizona...
  3. jerrybsal

    Berlin Turbo Classic Protein Skimmer

    I agree go with the Nautilus I put one in my 125 6 weeks ago and the thing is pulling out the darkest junk I have ever seen.Very easy to use and I have never had a skimmer pull junk out like this before. Marinerock has had some great post on this skimmer and how to set the water level to skimm...
  4. jerrybsal

    EEl question

    I have a small 8" snowflake eel,It has been it QT for several weeks and is eating very well.The only concern I have is my 8" Lion fish.I want to put my eel in the 125 with the lion and other fish.The lion does not eat any live food and does not bother my tangs or angel. Has anyone had a problem...
  5. jerrybsal

    porcupine problem

    You say you have had him for 8 months,Is krill the only thing he eats? This is a very common problem with puffers that are only fed krill.Krill is a very good food source but daily feeding usually leads to this.Some fish can eat this stuff forever others eventually get this problem similar to...
  6. jerrybsal

    Lion still wont eat

    Dont give in and feed him goldfish.Throw in a few ghost shrimp he will take those then mix in ghost shrimp with some krill.It will take a few days. The moment he eats the krill go to frozen food and silversides.It will take a few days but once he eats frozen or dry food stay away from all live...
  7. jerrybsal

    southdown sand

    I have a 125 FO tank that has been running for 6 years.I have about 3" of Caribsea sand above a plenum.I want to make the sand bed deeper, could i just mix in a few more inches of Southdown sand or will it harm the fish or sand bed. Or can I only mix in the same sand?Thanks for any help....
  8. jerrybsal

    Mixing Salts

    I have been using Instant Ocean salt for years on my tank, Does anyone know if there is any danger if I start using Reef Crystals salt mix.I have not been able to find anything on mixing salts on established tanks.
  9. jerrybsal

    How good is it?

    Stay away from that filter.... It is the biggest piece of ****. It does an amazing job at clearing up your water,but it clogs up very fast. It takes a lot of time to clean up,and you need to do it at least once or twice per week,and I mean taking the entire filter apart. The filter bag does not...
  10. jerrybsal

    New Nautilus Skimmer

    Thanks Guys your ideas worked. Marinerock, I have read all the other post you have on this skimmer ( That is one of the reasons whyI bought this skimmer) It has been running for 3 days and it has not skimmed a thing. I have the water level about half inch from the neck like you have stated...
  11. jerrybsal

    New Nautilus Skimmer

    I just installed my new Nautilus skimmer with Mag7 pump,So far it seems to be working fine.The only problem I have is the Air intake is driving me crazy with the sucking sound.I tried putting a small air valve but that only slows down the bubbles and raises my water line. I also tried a small...
  12. jerrybsal

    b&w heniouchus experts

    I have had one for a while now.Dont worry It will fall off in a couple of days and It will grow back soon after.I still dont know why it happens,I think with mine my angel had something to do with it falling off.
  13. jerrybsal


    I purchased a B/W and an emperor angel two months ago from, the angel was dead when I received it the B/W did the same thing yours did spin to the bottom of the tank and died.Both fish were replaced and did fine in QT. they have been in my 125 now for 3 weeks and all seems fine.They both...
  14. jerrybsal

    2 naso tang questions

    I have a 7" Naso in a 125,He has been here for 7 years.This guy is a pig,Feed them anything frozen.They love lettuce and Spirulina flakes.They are great fish and very easy to care for.Make sure you have a good filter because he will make a mess.
  15. jerrybsal

    How long do you expect your fish to live?

    There are many factors to consider,tank size,diet,type of fish...My current tank is 125 gal. and have kept a Powder Blue Tang,Naso Tang ,Blue Tang,Clown Trigger , Tomato clown ,Porc. Puffer and other fish for 7 years and counting.I have not added any fish the last 6 yrs. but QT is a major factor...