Search results

  1. jerrybsal

    skimmer & bio balls?

    I tried for months to get my TE to skim more,What I finally got to is install a valve at the end of your airline leading to the enductor.Close it some what until you get the water pressure built up to the collection chamber i went from little skim to about half cup per day of black junk.The...
  2. jerrybsal

    skimmer & bio balls?

    Do you mean the bioballs were inside the nautilus skimmer? I have that same skimmer in the sump if you put bioballs inside the chamber it would not skim.Maybe they are trying to use it as a DIY biofilter .This skimmer will not work if you put anything inside it.Some skimmers work with that...
  3. jerrybsal

    Sick Lionfish

    luvinslots I forgot to ask on the last post who is your "local Specialist" in Phx. I live in Surprise ,I am wondering who these idiots are.No fish can live on one single food source.
  4. jerrybsal

    Sick Lionfish

    Beth, There is nothing wrong with trying goldfish to stimulate a lion fish into eating.The only thing is very clear "a Couple Of times" If you do this long term he will die but a few days to get his health back will not hurt. My Lion has been around almost 7 years and I got him eating with a...
  5. jerrybsal

    Opinions on salinity?

    You are fine, you dont want to go too high the higher the salt the more stress it puts on the fish .Keep it around 1.022 or 1.023 the important thing is keep it stable one or the other..
  6. jerrybsal

    Sick Lionfish

    Is krill the only thing you feed him? You should be mixing krill,silversides,squid,shrimp there is plenty of frozen food to give and fill all requirements. Is he in the tank by himself if not maybe take him and put him in a QT to take away any stress.As a last resort try feeding a goldfish it...
  7. jerrybsal

    wet/dry filteration

    What is your defenition of "Scary" for the water changes. Also if you let the water evaporate too much that could be the cause. Your water evaporates daily but your salt does not , if too much is evaporating your salt could be going up and down too much.Start by replacing all evaporation daily...
  8. jerrybsal

    Ground Probe and gfci

    I moved into a new home that was built about 6 months ago and all my outlets in the kitchen and bathrooms are gfci.The outlet that my tank is plugged into is not , is it just a matter of getting a gfci outlet and changing them out or is it more complicated than that?Also is it better to have the...
  9. jerrybsal

    Naso Tang

    Everyone always claim that they grow very fast,I have yet to see that ,3" in 8 years is slow to me. He is great he keeps to himself and swims all day. When i bought him he was the largest fish I had now all my fish have passed him, including a powder blue tang and emperor angel
  10. jerrybsal

    Naso Tang

    I have a naso in a 125.I put him in there 8 years ago,he is about 8" long he was 5" when i bought him.He is a pig and eats anything i put in the tank very good fish to take care of.
  11. jerrybsal

    Angel Fish

    I too have a 6" emperor in my 125. He is the biggest ***hole in the tank. He has been in the tank almost 4 years with a Lion,clown trigger and a naso tang.He was the last fish I put in there and it seems to be working .They all ignore each other . The angel runs the show but I know that the...
  12. jerrybsal

    clown trigger

    I have a 10" lion and a 5" clown trigger in a 125. they have been together 3 years and no problems yet...knock on wood. Feed them both well, and you should be ok.You are right they are the most beautiful fish out there.
  13. jerrybsal

    Snowflake Eel and copper

    In that size tank i would not add copper. Is it possible to get a small 10 gallon tank and do you QT in that? if you choose to do copper it will be easier to monitor the levels in 10 gallons.also when the treatment is over you wont have any long term effects of copper in your main
  14. jerrybsal

    Stocking order

    You can do any order with the eel and puffer but just make the trigger the last addition.I also have a 125 with an 8" Lion, 5" Emperor angel ,18" SFE, 7"Naso Tang and a 4" Clown Trigger.They have been together for 6 years and adding the trigger last made it possible.Good luck .
  15. jerrybsal

    PBT with Naso?

    I have a PBT and a Naso in a 125 FOWLR . They have been together for 7 years ,not once have they even shown an ounce of aggression towards each other.All seven years I have kept an Emperor Angel,Lion,SFE,Naso and Powder Blue. They all get along great.Good Luck!
  16. jerrybsal

    Moving FO 125

    I recently sold my home and will be moving to a rental until my new home is finished in Feb. I am not looking forward to moving my 125 FO,I have had my fish for 7 years and would hate to lose them by doing something wrong.I have a Lion fish,Emperor Angel,Naso,Powder blue and a SFE.The rental and...
  17. jerrybsal

    Salt Water Fish in the Desert

    I have lived in Phoenix for 8 years now and have a 125 FOWLR,I keep my AC at 73 during the day, my wife does not like it but Oh well!! My temp. during the summer stays at 84 with no affect on the fish.Try the fans across the top and that should help, also limit the light in the room during the...
  18. jerrybsal

    Nautilus TE or Berlin?

    Your LFS guy problably has a higher profit on the Berlin.Dont listen to him listen to this board.I took the advice of the board and went with the Nautilus for my 125 FOWLR.I have never had a skimmer pull junk out like this guy does.The junk is almost black,It is VERY easy to set up and all the...
  19. jerrybsal

    Is this like southdown

    I had 150 lbs. of that Natures Ocean in my tank 3 Yrs. ago. Lasted 6 months and took it out and threw it away. It gets very dirty and it is too fine any movement in the tank blows it ALL OVER THE TANK.If you have any fish I would not use it .Also I would not do a DSB with this grain. The sand...
  20. jerrybsal

    I could go for a 6 pack

    C_Bell, That is some of the most amazing photos of live rock I have seen.I would love to get anything near that color on mine...