Search results

  1. scottbythesea

    Bubble Alge

    I have taken to the remove it with the back of a plastic spoon handle (broken end off)and thumb,while having my siphon hose in the other hand to suck up your bubbles and or to get there spores,you don't have to worry about spreading more around that way,especially if you break one. Deep down I...
  2. scottbythesea

    Bug of the Week - Cirolanid Isopods

    Just stand in the water down off south florida after dark (bare legged) . They'll bore into you ,and you can examine them and what they do for real.Heh,Heh Heh. Hey up north I work the offshore fish boats in the spring you should see what there brethern do to a forty pound codfish...
  3. scottbythesea

    I'm a Daddy again 200 Boys 200 Girls

    I raised fry of Discus pretty well before going to the reef .Got some phytoplex (kent stuff ) in the water column a min. before you posted couldn't hurt. We used to mash up beef hearts and what not for lean simple proteins.Wondering what else or next .What about any site info. would like to...
  4. scottbythesea

    help with bristal worms

    I know this much don't touch 'em.Physically very painful experience for a week or more look up marine worms on a search engine and learn more ,lots of info out there. :)
  5. scottbythesea

    I'm a Daddy again 200 Boys 200 Girls

    Put my moma mithrax in a 10 gal. when eggs gone clear, dropped the lights down to moon glows only and the second day of watching it went down well . Question what to feed in the rookery ?Don't want to geuss going to try it...Instead of feed'n the fish...Temp. is 80 ,air stone only one corner (...
  6. scottbythesea

    Super Gluing..

    Its just a better form of cynoacralite (super glue) CA+ Gel is a designator for filling gaps in model plane building ,it cures slower and fills bigger gaps.Having a few seconds to slow down the curing (mear seconds ,instead of instant) also disapates heat slower (all super glues make heat)...
  7. scottbythesea

    Red Leg Hermits,Help

    Yes in the bag, 20 at a time in 4in. wide 10 tall bag. Wish they would put less in at a time they must be two deep and roll alot in there with some just fitting in thier shells there take to much damage, could real use the help in the tank as of now I had three recouping out in the hosp. long...
  8. scottbythesea

    Big Clear/Opaque Worm

    Appreciate your time Thank You .ScottbytheSea
  9. scottbythesea

    Big Clear/Opaque Worm

    Damm, I've been watching my tank since I set it up late last fall it never seizes to amaze me the things I still find in this little reef (55 gal. 45 lbs.LR).After doing some testing a clearish worm ( looks bamboo like sections, kinda didn't see the head or tail I honestly though it to be...
  10. scottbythesea

    Super Gluing..

    Try Super glue from a good R/C Hobby shop The thick stuff is designated CA+ (thick gel) there is no comparison none at all. Theres a few different brand names. You could buy it online I suppose. Also it doesn't go bad for a long time in the frig.It's just more refined ,you would have to try it...
  11. scottbythesea

    Red Leg Hermits,Help

    Do these guys always come in beat up.I've tried to recieve them twice with about half hanging out the other half missing a leg or two no way to start out .I was able to hosp. 3 of twenty and keeping my fingers crossed . Everything else seem okay when they ship(This is two seperate shipments of...
  12. scottbythesea

    Small Round Greyish Balls

    Keep'n it as clean as possible....Tank that is.Heh,Heh. I new someone wouldn't pass that up. Thanks Scott H
  13. scottbythesea

    Small Round Greyish Balls

    Thanks for the info ,you been very hel[pful..
  14. scottbythesea

    Small Round Greyish Balls

    They have been appearing in my tank for a month or so, some seem to be increasing in size. Had what appears to be the thin husk of one in the over flow. They are structurly strong when atached to my live rock. Anenome, Egg case ? thank you for any help Scott H:confused:
  15. scottbythesea

    Anyone use NewEnglands Red hermits

    Thanks for your reply ,any other takers.:rolleyes:
  16. scottbythesea

    Anyone use NewEnglands Red hermits

    Wondering if our little hermits in New England would do the job of reef keeping any input,for that matter what about our periwinkles(small local snails appear to be sand sifters).They currently survive in 74 to 85 degree inland waters although they deal with the winter lows as well....Any local...