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  1. scottbythesea

    First Digital EOS REB pics scottbythesea
  2. scottbythesea

    First Digital EOS REB pics

  3. scottbythesea

    First Digital EOS REB pics

    Not to bad for just the kit lense, an not a Macro lense. scottbythesea
  4. scottbythesea

    First Digital EOS REB pics

    Please bare with our first attempts at posting pics. Thank You scottbythesea
  5. scottbythesea

    B-Ionic Users

    Just a thought, To cut down on the time,You should know what your tank average was/is for a couple weeks prior. Then boost (gradually) to the numbers you want to maintain by turbo calcium and kh hardness(reef builder carbonate or the like).Magnesium Then...........and only then......This will...
  6. scottbythesea

    Removing Copper

    Use it for a hosp. for fish only......Or sell it to a fresh water guy... Not worth it,unless you want to see a slow death from things that react to it over time....Why take a chance....... We use copper paints on boats because it constantly leaches out and discourages marine...
  7. scottbythesea

    Re-Arrange My Tank?

    Do you target feed your lobster or other aggressive crusties? If you don't give them what they need they take it......Don't forget they also need Traces of certain substances like Iodine and such agaian if they don't get it they no where tooo [hr] . Nori(seaweed sheets) them each a little...
  8. scottbythesea

    Lets See Your 125+ Gallon Reefs Pics Wanted :D

    How about a run down for us.....I am sure I am not the only one who wants to know..... Equip,Lbs. Rock, Lights etc. Thanks ScottbytheSea
  9. scottbythesea

    Re-Arrange My Tank?

    You may have jumpers and a round cat......Is your intakes screened once pulled a large clown through a canister and a another up a power head,wasn't pretty. Glued baby screen on every thing after that one. ScottbytheSea
  10. scottbythesea

    ID Please

    Sound like harmless sponges from the family of Hydroids, come in all shapes.It took me a while to find the little white/clear pinapple shaped ones with its halo of spines. Research many sites, as this looked nothing like most I was seeing online, then I found it after long search....Thanks to a...
  11. scottbythesea

    What is this??

    See Hydroid post above, Your fine they are not bad if they look bad on the glass srcape them free they seem to show up when a tank stables out . I noticed mine a year after a tank begins to stable up and work within proper prameters...Then they show up on underside of the rock work and in the...
  12. scottbythesea

    This board is dangerous!

    I have three different hobbies that can be forumed on my three screen setup all at once, Reefing/Sporting Clays and R/C Combat Planes/Helicopters. Sore Butts all around here.... She calls my computer area the cave, but it has a great view of the tanks and big screen. I'm pathetic I know...
  13. scottbythesea


    If there moblie creatures your proably witnessing a hatch of pods or mysis shrimp time will tell as there are many things it can be ... When they get bigger give a discription,.............Did you see them only when the lights came on the glass or are they out in the light all the time...When...
  14. scottbythesea


    Sound like harmless sponges.Hydroids, come in all shapes.It took me a while to find the little white/clear pinapple shaped ones with its halo of spines. Research many sites, as this looked nothing like most I was seeing online, then I found it after long search....Thanks to a knowledgible...
  15. scottbythesea

    Coraline ?

    Have you intruduced the coraline (colors you would like) if it is not present to start with its going to be a say the least. You have a better chance buying some rubble from lfs or a another hobbiest that is encrusted in coraline and breaking it up and spreading over your...
  16. scottbythesea

    B-Ionic Users

    Heres what I do and I believe this works for us drippers as well as Dumpers,,,,,,,,,,,You must watch the ph to know when you have the right amount of Vinager also, I'm Doing 28ml per gal of R/O DI using Two Fishes Brand Marine Grade Kalk mix for my 55g.Heres a link if it works... ***DELETE***...
  17. scottbythesea

    B-Ionic Users

    I 'm up to 38ml a day to maintain level in my 55g reef also had to boost cal. and carbonite to get where I needed first......... I drip Kalk usually but have only small evap of half gal. a day. I like B-Stuff for when I go on the road the other half isn't mixing anything wrong......Keeps it...
  18. scottbythesea

    Eco System Aquarium Filtration ?????

    Anyone got any thoughts on this Refgium Filtration set up....Says it can go Skimmerless? Was thinking of adding a Berlin Stlye sump with a ETSS 600 Skimmer but this(Eco System) would be a consideration if it is sound(wonder if it would run with a 500 ETSS next to it? Currently Have 55Gal Reef...
  19. scottbythesea

    Ca and KH additives

    What test do you recomend for Ca and DKH. The ones I have are marginal at best. Thanks Scottbythesea
  20. scottbythesea

    Skimmer for 55Gal. Thoughts Please.

    I would like thoughts on upgrading to a skimmer that works wonders,have a red sea hang on(sick of the constant adjusting) and its time to upgrade,Reef is maturing nicely and would like to keep it that way.With that in mind. Was considering hang on Sea Clone also would consider a sump set up, I...