Search results

  1. mmync

    What are the best types of things to grow in a fugarium?

    I am going to start building my refugium and sump and would like to know what the best things I should grow in there are for filtration and for keeping the show tanks fish and corals really happy and healthy.:)
  2. mmync

    Do you guys think this is a good light combination for my tank?

    So am I on the right track when thinking I shouldnt use the pc's for actinics but get some vho's for actinics?
  3. mmync

    How good are the ro/di systems at home depot?

    I need an ro/di unit and was wondering how good the ones are that you can get at home depot. I have a store credit there and would like to use it to get an ro/di. Also is there a certain model that you would recommend at home depot?:)
  4. mmync

    Do I have crushed coral or sand?

    Well all I know is that I am positive it said sand on the bag but it is probably atleast 3 times the size of sugar if not more:mad:
  5. mmync

    Are Aerofoamer skimmers good?

    I am getting a good deal on a new Aerofoamer model #624 skimmer with SEDRA 9000A pump for my 180g tank. Is this a good skimmer?:)
  6. mmync

    Do I have crushed coral or sand?

    No, I know what I bought is real live sand. What I am confused about is why it is so much larger then southdown. Is it just that there are different size sands?
  7. mmync

    Do I have crushed coral or sand?

    I am kind of confused I knew sand was way better then crushed coral so I bought alot of carib-sea live sand and not live sand and put it into my tank. Well just yesterday I saw southdown for the first time and it is way finer then the so called sand that I have so is it sand that I have also or...
  8. mmync

    Can I and should I do my first water change now?

    No algea blooms at all, but I havent had any really powerfull lights on there yet either just 1 n.o. 48" 10,000k, 1 n.o. 48" actinic and 2 n.o. 18" 18,000k's
  9. mmync

    Can I and should I do my first water change now?

    OK I started the cycle on my 180 gallon about 3 weeks ago with 4 cocktail shrimp. I have been cycling it with about 230lbs of already cured live rock 40 pounds of carib-sea live sand and 80 pounds of carib-sea not live sand. My ammonia spiked about 2 weeks ago and has been at 0.0 for the last 2...
  10. mmync

    Do you guys think this is a good light combination for my tank?

    Ok, I am trying to decide on what lights I should get for my soon to be reef tank. My tank is 180 gallons. The dimensions are 67"Long x 24"deep x 26"high. So here is my situation, I know for sure that I want 3 250w metal halides. Know I just bought 2 55w power compacts and they came with 10,000k...
  11. mmync

    Should I get 3 250w mh's or 2 400w mh's?

    Thanks jamesurq. So its a for sure thing that with 3 400w mh's I will be able to keep most anything right?
  12. mmync

    Will 55w power compacts be good enough for my atinic lighting?

    Well I am not sure yet on the halides either 3 250's 2 400's or 3 400's, And I believe it is 2 55w pc actinics
  13. mmync

    Should I get 3 250w mh's or 2 400w mh's?

    I am going to purhase the metal halides for my tank but not sure if I should get 3 250w mh ballasts and bulbs or 2 400w mh ballasts and bulbs. My tank is 185 gallons. The dimensions are 67"L x 24"w x 26 1/4 high. I want to be able to keep most all corals. Or, I doubt it but maybe you guys will...
  14. mmync

    Will 55w power compacts be good enough for my atinic lighting?

    I am thinking about buying some 55w power compacts from some local person. He is using the pc'c for his white lights, but I am going to go mh for the whites and was wondering if the 55w pc actinics will be powerfull enough for my tank. My tank 180 gallon 67x 24 deep x 26 high.:confused:
  15. mmync

    Question for Broomer

  16. mmync

    Looking for pics of your refugiums.

    Hey everyone, just getting ready to start building a refugium for my 180. I think they are really neat and would love to see some pics of your refugiums so I can get some ideas. I am also trying to get ahold of broomer but cant find his e-mail address. If you want you can e-mail the pic's at...
  17. mmync

    What kind of antibiotics are used to treat fish?

    I dont have any sick fish, but was just intersted in seeing what type of antibiotics can be used when treating fish. The reason I am kinda interested in this is because a local fish guy was telling me that alot of the antibiotics that are used are the same as antibiotics that we take like cipro...
  18. mmync

    I need help getting my fish to eat.

    I added my first two fish to my 180 gallon tank but I cant get them to eat. Ok, I bought a little clown a couple of days ago and it stays in the upper corner of the tank and has not moved an inch in 2 days. Then I bought a little coral beauty yesterday and he stays secluded behind some rocks and...
  19. mmync

    Question for Broomer

    Hi Broomer, sorry to bother you. I was going to e-mail you but couldn't find your e-mail address anywhere. In the last week I have been inquiring about making a refugium for myself and some body suggested I contact you and that you might be able to come up with an Idea or drawing of how I should...