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  1. mmync

    What kind of rubble rock works best in sumps/fuge?

    What are you calling the overflow box? The part(chamber) in the sump/refugium that the water comes into from the overflow box of your show tank? Also is this the same box that usually has bio balls in them. Sorry for being a little confused:)
  2. mmync

    What kind of rubble rock works best in sumps/fuge?

    I am building my sump/fuge and would like to use rubble rock instead of bio balls. Is there a certain type of rock I should use, and should I try to use rock with alot of coraline algae growth on it? And about how big or small should the rubble pieces be? And finally in the part of my sump/fuge...
  3. mmync

    Need advice on equip. I should use for the 800 gallon tank at my friends restaurant.

    Its a fish only tank, not even fish with live rock. My friend wants me to make it into a reef tank.
  4. mmync

    Need advice on equip. I should use for the 800 gallon tank at my friends restaurant.

    Should I repost this in the equipment section? :)
  5. mmync

    Is $250.00 a good deal for 2 250w mh's?

    I know somebody selling 2 used 250w mh units. The ballast's are 2 standard type PFO's. And it comes with 2 250w 12,000k bulbs. I need mh's bad and just wondering if this is a good deal for used lights or am I better off shoppping around or buying new?
  6. mmync

    Where did my cleaner shrimp go?

    I bought a cleaner shrimp about 5 days ago. I put it in my tank and it dissappeared instantly. It has been 5 days and I still havent seen it yet. I have looked every where very hard and cant find it.:confused:
  7. mmync

    Hey everyone, what do you think of my tank so far?

    Just got my Aerofoamer skimmer, cant wait to hook up this sweet looking skimmer. I am currently accepting donations for mh's for my tank and I do accpet personal checks. Lol. I am glad I came across this great new hobby of mine. I am having a great time with it:)
  8. mmync

    Hey everyone, what do you think of my tank so far?

    Thomas, I only live in Saint Clair shores. I would be cool if u came over:)
  9. mmync

    Need advice on equip. I should use for the 800 gallon tank at my friends restaurant.

    My frend wants me to redo the 800 gallon octagon (8 sided) tank that he has at his restaurant. Right now it is just a fish only tank and he want sme to make it into a reef tank for him. It basically just has some normal output bulbs and 2 big w/d filters. The size of the tank is 800 gallons and...
  10. mmync

    6" queen angel michigan

    Hey sebae, I live in Saint Clair Shores. Can u send me a pick or maybe we can meet up one day and check out eachothers stuff.
  11. mmync

    Hey everyone, what do you think of my tank so far?

    and the last one
  12. mmync

    Hey everyone, what do you think of my tank so far?

    Well, here are some pics of my new tank with the mirrors. It still have a ton more to do to it. I dont even have lights yet, just some n.o. strip lights. I am also going thru the algae boom becuase it is only like a month old. For a newbie I think the tank and the construction of the mirrored...
  13. mmync

    What is the white dot on my coral beauty?

    It is kinda hard to tell in this pic, but my coal beauty has had a big white spec on the top back part of its fin. It is about the size of the tip of a pen. It has had it since i got it like 2 weeks ago. It seams to be really healthy and no other white spots on it.
  14. mmync

    Is my coral dying?

    And another view